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Package request: Actual #269069

Open Steinhagen opened 9 months ago

Steinhagen commented 9 months ago


Actual is a super fast privacy-focused app for managing your finances. You own your data, and we will sync it across all devices with optional end-to-end encryption.


Atemu commented 7 months ago

Depends on

xenofem commented 3 months ago

In case it's useful to anyone in the meantime, here's a flake for actual-server based on the hacky approach documented in the fetchYarnDeps issue:

Flinner commented 1 month ago

I don't use flakes, I added as a temp pkg until we get official support. This may not be a best practice, I am not a nix expert.

This is a modfied version of @xenofem

# /etc/nixos/pkgs/actual.nix

{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:

with import <nixpkgs> {};
with lib;

    cfg =;
    actual = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
    name = "actual-server";
    version = "24.8.0"; # UPDATE ALSO rev!!!
    src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "actualbudget";
      repo = "actual-server";
      rev = "v24.8.0";
      sha256 = "sha256-0AiUsO+jK3F+ClBVSzngKSHanQO5w+DQfDKvWVHCnSo=";

      nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [

      yarnOfflineCache = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
        name = "actual-deps";
        nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ yarn-berry ];
        inherit (finalAttrs) src;

        NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS = "${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";

        supportedArchitectures = builtins.toJSON {
          os = [ "darwin" "linux" ];
          cpu = [ "arm" "arm64" "ia32" "x64" ];
          libc = [ "glibc" "musl" ];

        configurePhase = ''
          runHook preConfigure

          export HOME="$NIX_BUILD_TOP"
          export YARN_ENABLE_TELEMETRY=0

          yarn config set enableGlobalCache false
          yarn config set cacheFolder $out
          yarn config set supportedArchitectures --json "$supportedArchitectures"

          runHook postConfigure

        buildPhase = ''
          runHook preBuild

          mkdir -p $out
          yarn install --immutable --mode skip-build

          runHook postBuild

        dontInstall = true;

        outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
        outputHash = "sha256-B9H/r22qu6GXIJ/B1VE17sn07hveD3QCCuODAdvIK/A=";
        outputHashMode = "recursive";

      patchPhase = ''
        sed -i '1i#!${pkgs.nodejs}/bin/node' app.js

      configurePhase = ''
        runHook preConfigure

        export HOME="$NIX_BUILD_TOP"
        export YARN_ENABLE_TELEMETRY=0
        export npm_config_nodedir=${pkgs.nodejs}

        yarn config set enableGlobalCache false
        yarn config set cacheFolder $yarnOfflineCache

        runHook postConfigure

      buildPhase = ''
        runHook preBuild

        yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache
        yarn build
        yarn workspaces focus --all --production

        runHook postBuild

      installPhase = ''
        runHook preInstall

        mkdir -p $out/{bin,lib}

        mkdir $out/lib/actual
        cp -r package.json app.js src migrations node_modules $out/lib/actual/

        chmod +x $out/lib/actual/app.js

        makeWrapper $out/lib/actual/app.js $out/bin/actual --chdir $out/lib/actual

        runHook postInstall

      fixupPhase = ''
        runHook preFixup

        patchShebangs $out/lib

        runHook postFixup
        dataDir = "/var/lib/actual";
        cfgFile = pkgs.writeText "actual.json" (builtins.toJSON {
          inherit dataDir;
          inherit (cfg) hostname port;
          serverFiles = "${dataDir}/server-files";
          userFiles = "${dataDir}/user-files";
      in { = {
          enable = mkEnableOption "Actual budget server";
          hostname = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; };
          port = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 5006; };
        config = mkIf cfg.enable {
          users.users.actual = {
            name = "actual";
            group = "actual";
            isSystemUser = true;

          users.groups.actual = {};

 = {
            description = "Actual budget server";
            documentation = [ "" ];
            wantedBy = [ "" ];
            after = [ "" ];
            serviceConfig = {
              ExecStart = "${actual}/bin/actual";
              Restart = "always";
              User = "actual";
              Group = "actual";
              PrivateTmp = true;
              #StateDirectory = "actual";
            environment.ACTUAL_CONFIG_PATH = "${cfgFile}";

and in my conf. hope it helps someone

{ pkgs, ... }: {
  imports = [ ./pkgs/actual.nix ];

  # Actual Budget 💵 #
  services.actual.enable = true;
  services.actual.port = 5006;
  services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
    serverName = "";
    enableACME = true;                                    # Use ACME certs
    forceSSL = true;
    locations."/".proxyPass = "";