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python311Packages.beancount: 2.3.6 -> 3.0.0 #320696

Open r-ryantm opened 1 week ago

r-ryantm commented 1 week ago

Automatic update generated by nixpkgs-update tools. This update was made based on information from passthru.updateScript.

meta.description for python311Packages.beancount is: Double-entry bookkeeping computer language

meta.homepage for python311Packages.beancount is:

Updates performed
To inspect upstream changes

Checks done

Rebuild report (if merged into master) (click to expand) ``` 8 total rebuild path(s) 8 package rebuild(s) First fifty rebuilds by attrpath beancount fava ledger2beancount python311Packages.beancount python311Packages.beancount-docverif python312Packages.beancount python312Packages.beancount-docverif ```
Instructions to test this update (click to expand) --- Either **download from Cachix**: ``` nix-store -r /nix/store/bb972z05vsa96qb9f5myys2nc0lq3ia7-python3.11-beancount-3.0.0 \ --option binary-caches '' \ --option trusted-public-keys ' ' ``` (The Cachix cache is only trusted for this store-path realization.) For the Cachix download to work, your user must be in the `trusted-users` list or you can use `sudo` since root is effectively trusted. Or, **build yourself**: ``` nix-build -A python311Packages.beancount ``` Or: ``` nix build github:r-ryantm/nixpkgs/a25f2a9cc01953a26236f44f3bcefd93cec68797#python311Packages.beancount ``` After you've downloaded or built it, look at the files and if there are any, run the binaries: ``` ls -la /nix/store/bb972z05vsa96qb9f5myys2nc0lq3ia7-python3.11-beancount-3.0.0 ls -la /nix/store/bb972z05vsa96qb9f5myys2nc0lq3ia7-python3.11-beancount-3.0.0/bin ``` ---

Pre-merge build results

We have automatically built all packages that will get rebuilt due to this change.

This gives evidence on whether the upgrade will break dependent packages. Note sometimes packages show up as failed to build independent of the change, simply because they are already broken on the target branch.

Result of nixpkgs-review --extra-nixpkgs-config '{ allowInsecurePredicate = x: true; }' run on x86_64-linux 1

6 packages failed to build:
  • fava
  • fava.dist
  • python311Packages.beancount-docverif
  • python311Packages.beancount-docverif.dist
  • python312Packages.beancount-docverif
  • python312Packages.beancount-docverif.dist
5 packages built:
  • beancount (python311Packages.beancount)
  • beancount.dist (python311Packages.beancount.dist)
  • ledger2beancount
  • python312Packages.beancount
  • python312Packages.beancount.dist

Maintainer pings

cc @bhipple for testing.

kilianar commented 1 week ago

Most of the additional tools, such as bean-price and bean-query, have been removed from the main Beancount project and relocated to their own subprojects. Therefore, we might want to package them for nixpkgs as well. It also appears that fava is currently incompatible with the new v3 version.

bhipple commented 1 day ago

Sounds reasonable. That said, I no longer use any of the beancount tools, so I'd wait to see if anyone else wants them enough to put in the labor. If not it'd be fine by me to merge this once we have a fava version that works with this.