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flyctl: 0.2.69 -> 0.2.71 #320705

Closed RaghavSood closed 1 week ago

RaghavSood commented 1 week ago

Description of changes

buildGoDir internally tacks on the tags and other flags we define. For flyctl, this results in a panic in an upstream dependency (specifically, when tags include production, flyctl attempts to report errors to sentry with a insufficiently initialized HTTP transport, resulting in a panic within sentry-go)

There are two upstream issues filed which should resolve this and allow us to go back to using buildGoDir: - With an accompanying PR

Closes #320658.

Things done

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RaghavSood commented 1 week ago

All four builds and passthrus work, looks sane

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Backport failed for release-24.05, because it was unable to cherry-pick the commit(s).

Please cherry-pick the changes locally and resolve any conflicts.

git fetch origin release-24.05
git worktree add -d .worktree/backport-320705-to-release-24.05 origin/release-24.05
cd .worktree/backport-320705-to-release-24.05
git switch --create backport-320705-to-release-24.05
git cherry-pick -x 3022e36db0d0a5c0e1e1debdda2ce1336473f1c7 fc0b2f8051b7c9ba161f2a003ce7ee39f8e8c969
RaghavSood commented 1 week ago

Probably needs both this and the previous one to be backported - I'll do it manually

techknowlogick commented 1 week ago

Thanks @RaghavSood 😃