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nsync: 1.27.0 -> 1.28.1 #320706

Closed r-ryantm closed 3 days ago

r-ryantm commented 1 week ago

Automatic update generated by nixpkgs-update tools. This update was made based on information from

meta.description for nsync is: C library that exports various synchronization primitives

meta.homepage for nsync is:

Updates performed
To inspect upstream changes

Checks done

Rebuild report (if merged into master) (click to expand) ``` 197 total rebuild path(s) 197 package rebuild(s) First fifty rebuilds by attrpath aitrack deface frigate gpt2tc libretranslate libtensorflow livecaptions local-ai maa-assistant-arknights maa-cli magika minari monado nsync obs-studio-plugins.obs-backgroundremoval onnxruntime open-webui opencomposite-helper piper-phonemize piper-train piper-tts private-gpt python311Packages.aeppl python311Packages.aesara python311Packages.ale-py python311Packages.argos-translate-files python311Packages.argostranslate python311Packages.arviz python311Packages.augmax python311Packages.awkward python311Packages.bambi python311Packages.baselines python311Packages.blackjax python311Packages.chex python311Packages.chromadb python311Packages.clarifai python311Packages.cleanlab python311Packages.coffea python311Packages.correctionlib python311Packages.ctranslate2 python311Packages.dalle-mini python311Packages.dask-awkward python311Packages.distrax python311Packages.edward python311Packages.elegy python311Packages.equinox python311Packages.fastai ```
Instructions to test this update (click to expand) --- Either **download from Cachix**: ``` nix-store -r /nix/store/5fpahixmb1yi9dnvyxllarsxlxbs2qcf-nsync-1.28.1 \ --option binary-caches '' \ --option trusted-public-keys ' ' ``` (The Cachix cache is only trusted for this store-path realization.) For the Cachix download to work, your user must be in the `trusted-users` list or you can use `sudo` since root is effectively trusted. Or, **build yourself**: ``` nix-build -A nsync ``` Or: ``` nix build github:r-ryantm/nixpkgs/78d081bf2e335a8e4132fcc3139ffc1a8d36a147#nsync ``` After you've downloaded or built it, look at the files and if there are any, run the binaries: ``` ls -la /nix/store/5fpahixmb1yi9dnvyxllarsxlxbs2qcf-nsync-1.28.1 ls -la /nix/store/5fpahixmb1yi9dnvyxllarsxlxbs2qcf-nsync-1.28.1/bin ``` ---

Pre-merge build results

We have automatically built all packages that will get rebuilt due to this change.

This gives evidence on whether the upgrade will break dependent packages. Note sometimes packages show up as failed to build independent of the change, simply because they are already broken on the target branch.

nixpkgs-review took longer than 120m and timed out

Maintainer pings

cc @puffnfresh @Luflosi for testing.