or, for functions and "core" functionality, tests in lib/tests or pkgs/test
made sure NixOS tests are linked to the relevant packages
[ ] Tested compilation of all packages that depend on this change using nix-shell -p nixpkgs-review --run "nixpkgs-review rev HEAD". Note: all changes have to be committed, also see nixpkgs-review usage
[x] Tested basic functionality of all binary files (usually in ./result/bin/)
Description of changes
openssl seems no longer needed (also openssl-sys crate isn't used)
Things done
? (See Nix manual)sandbox = relaxed
sandbox = true
nix-shell -p nixpkgs-review --run "nixpkgs-review rev HEAD"
. Note: all changes have to be committed, also see nixpkgs-review usage./result/bin/
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