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New nixpkgs committers requests #50105

Closed infinisil closed 2 weeks ago

infinisil commented 5 years ago

See this issue instead:

This issue is used to nominate people for commit rights to Nixpkgs. Use reactions like :+1: or :heart: to indicate your support of others nominations!

Generally the expectation is to have a well-established PR history already. To see your current stats, you can use @lorenzleutgeb's script to see your merged and reviewed PRs.

Original text Nixpkgs has an ever growing number of PR's but not enough people to review and merge them. We need more nixpkgs committers! But we can't just select a random bunch of people and give them commit rights. It is a matter of trusting them to keep the codebase clean. People should go through a review process to be able to become a committer. This issue should serve as a place to discuss such a process.
infinisil commented 5 years ago

Having discussed this on IRC a bit, this is an arbitrary set of requirements I came up with:

To become a nixpkgs committer you need:

Of course, a manual check will be involved as well, but having such a set of requirements could set a baseline.

infinisil commented 5 years ago

In addition, a series of interview questions could be asked, such as:

infinisil commented 5 years ago
7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

Having discussed this on IRC a bit, this is an arbitrary set of requirements I came up with:

To become a nixpkgs committer you need:

  • To have at least 50 merged PR's, 10 of which non-trivial

Do you want to add that of last 20 PRs submitted there shouldn't be major concerns about code quality during review? Controversial changes being rejected are OK, though.

Maybe 50 is slightly too much, and also maybe we want to have some preference about recency (do we want a track record of at least two months? and do we want at least 20 accepted PRs to be less than one year old?)

  • To have review at least 20 non-trivial PR's

I have some vague feeling that this is a risky guideline, maybe we just want to lower the number. Basically, we want non-committers to review things where they are already confident, and some part of a person's project participation time should have gone into getting that confidence. Maybe 20 is a large enough number that it looks like we expect people to be a bit more aggressive about what they review. Not sure (as I said, this is a vague feeling).

  • To have added at least 2 new packages, to know how to write nix code and package stuff in nixpkgs

I would say explicitly that a notable refactoring of large packages also counts. If there is a place where we can say that we value cleanups, we should say it.

Refactorings are normally reviewed in a stricter way than additions anyway.

  • To have written at least 1 NixOS module

Not sure I agree with that — I think having more Nix-on-non-NixOS committers is a good idea. I think just asking people not to touch NixOS modules until they have done some changes via PRs (merged by experienced people) should be OK.

Of course, a manual check will be involved as well, but having such a set of requirements could set a baseline.

I am not sure what would be in the manual check as a separate consideration. Obviously, there are a lot os subjective value calls in the guidelines — non-triviality, reasonableness of reviews, code quality problems in recent commits, etc.

Exceptions from the baseline guidelines are another story, of course.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

Given how things work now, I am not sure what would be a reasonable way to conduct such an interview.

  • "Describe the release process, what do you need to look out for during the release time?"

Do many correct answers start with «there is no fixed release process, but generally…»?

Actually, recognition that Nix* is very slow to achieve a consensus on long-term decisions could be a good thing to check…

andrew-d commented 5 years ago

A question I don't have a good answer for: should we somehow split up "people who are keeping things up-to-date" vs. "people who we trust to refactor/make sweeping changes"? I'm very much in the set of people that use NixOS, but don't have any strong feelings on how nixpkgs is laid out, what the future direction is, etc., but am happy to submit bugfixes (e.g #47255), closure size reductions (e.g #49315) and security updates (e.g #49859, #49860). I have no immediate interest in doing any refactoring of nixpkgs, but would happily use any additional permissions to continue "just fixing things", like above.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

A question I don't have a good answer for: should we somehow split up "people who are keeping things up-to-date" vs. "people who we trust to refactor/make sweeping changes"?

Do we have any project member who hasn't submitted PRs because the changes were indeed global enough to discuss? I doubt that.

I think making and following reasonable estimates of desired review levels for each change is what we target.

andrew-d commented 5 years ago

Right, sorry, maybe I’m not being clear here. To be super blunt: y’all should (rightly) not trust me / people in my situation to submit arbitrary PRs, but if you could somehow ensure that the only thing we were doing was updating packages (or other non-controversial/scary changes), maybe it would take some load off the trusted reviewers and let them review things that mattered more?

Again: just thinking out loud here, so to speak 🙂

On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 1:54 AM Michael Raskin wrote:

A question I don't have a good answer for: should we somehow split up "people who are keeping things up-to-date" vs. "people who we trust to refactor/make sweeping changes"?

Do we have any project member who hasn't submitted PRs because the changes were indeed global enough to discuss? I doubt that.

I think making and following reasonable estimates of desired review levels for each change is what we target.

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FRidh commented 5 years ago

but if you could somehow ensure that the only thing we were doing was updating packages (or other non-controversial/scary changes)

zarelit commented 5 years ago

People with commit access are covering many roles that are more or less evident: they reduce the queue of unmerged PRs but at the same time they ask for or make changes (thus contributing to the overall quality) and most of all they are shaping nixpkgs layout and functionality by boosting or closing some PRs. @Infinisil it looks like those guidelines could be a rule of thumb to what can be called a nixpkgs core team, much like the Nix core team but applied to nixpkgs. At this point we have some people with commit access and, knowing almost nothing of the project history, I can assume they earned it through trust and reputation so there is a process already but it's slow. So are these guidelines a way to measure contributions and speed up the process?

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

At this point we have some people with commit access and, knowing almost nothing of the project history, I can assume they earned it through trust and reputation so there is a process already but it's slow. So are these guidelines a way to measure contributions and speed up the process?

I think these guidelines don't differ much from when many people get commit access nowadays. Having a published set of guidelines would hopefully reduce uncertainty (and maybe even reduce selection for willingness to ask out of the blue — which sometimes holds some people out of the committer list without a good reason).

Thra11 commented 5 years ago

I don't know how easy it is to set up on github, but one way to allow less experienced people to help out with pull requests would be to create an intermediate tier of contributors who don't yet have full commit access, but have the ability to give a PR their approval. Once a PR has been approved by two or three of these 'semi-trusted contributors', it can be automatically committed by a bot.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

Once a PR has been approved by two or three of these 'semi-trusted contributors', it can be automatically committed by a bot.

I think once ofBorg — — gets some auto-merge support, it will be reasonably easy to add a few kinds of advanced access control logic. There are tickets about that…

kalbasit commented 5 years ago

@Infinisil thank you for starting this process. I've been wondering for a while what are the requirements for me to gain push access and to be a part of the core team to help out with any refactoring or core decisions.

Over the past couple of months, I've submitted a bit over 50 PRs, some are version updates but many are not trivial (such as #47407, #49884 and #49815 among others).

I'd love to be the guinea pig of this process. @Infinisil @domenkozar please let me know if I would qualify for the minimal requirements and I'd be happy to jump with you (and anyone else from the team) on a call or chat.

aanderse commented 5 years ago

Is the team taking names for consideration now? If there is still the desire to find help I wouldn't mind throwing my name into the pool of people interested.

FRidh commented 5 years ago

What I would like to know is what members intend to do, that is, what parts of Nixpkgs do they want to work on, and what do they want to be responsible for. The repository is large, and it's close to impossible for anyone to keep up to speed with everything that's happening inside it. While we can add more people to merge changes, and keep adding more packages, there are various bottlenecks that need to be addressed.

An important part is also, what are our expectations of Nixpkgs? Aside from the stable releases, many users use Nixpkgs as a rolling release. A rolling release requires far more effort to keep a working package set. I'm hijacking the thread here a bit, but simply saying "we need more people to review and merge" is a bit short-sighted. While I would like to have more people involved, I think it's more important that we come up with a strategy for Nixpkgs, and how we deal with Nixpkgs members is going to depend on and be a part of that strategy.

domenkozar commented 5 years ago

I think there are a few issues to tackle here, but they are not so much related.

Nixpkgs has an ever growing number of PR's but not enough people to review and merge them

That's a problem we have to solve. So far, to-be maintainers were nominated on IRC and we agreed upon which to give access. I think the process as such is not perfect, but fixing the stated problem is more about making the process of nomination more explicit, known and transparent. I wouldn't impose any kinds of limits how to gain access (I remember how terrible Gentoo process was with this quizz). I think it's better to leave the judgement to existing contributors rather than come up with some unified scheme of scoring that can be gamed.

But we can't just select a random bunch of people and give them commit rights. It is a matter of trusting them to keep the codebase clean. People should go through a review process to be able to become a committer. This issue should serve as a place to discuss such a process.

It's not random, we so far delegated the judgement to existing commmiters and that worked pretty well.

I think we need:

A completely different discussion is changing the structure of the current maintainer flat structure into something more organized.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

@domenkozar Re: gaming — well, there is also a value in something to help with the impostor syndrome and to suggest to people when it makes sense to self-nominate.

Better documentation of expectations from committers is also nice, of course.

edolstra commented 5 years ago

Nixpkgs has an ever growing number of PR's but not enough people to review and merge them

The solution to this is to modularize (split) Nixpkgs. For example, most NixOS modules should be maintained in separate repositories (== "flakes"). Then we don't need to have hundreds of direct committers to a huge mono-repository. Of course this will also scale much better in terms of Nixpkgs download time, evaluation speed/memory use, etc.

oxij commented 5 years ago

(read the bottom of the message first)

The solution to this is to modularize (split) Nixpkgs. For example, most NixOS modules should be maintained in separate repositories (== "flakes").

Of all the problems NixOS has, I don't think maintainership of modules is an issue. IMHO, the main issues are:

I do agree, however, that modularizing in the Linux sense, i.e. multiple repositories with a common tree, is a good idea. Like, for instance, having all package updates go into a separate GitHub repo would be nice. But GitHub, AFAIK, doesn't support that workflow well (like PR numbers would get all messed up between repos by default unless some conscious effort is given to clearly mark them with correct prefixes).

Also, currently it is very hard to subscribe to "common NixOS infrastructure, not any particular service" based just on options and paths, e.g. some services live in "config", some in "hardware", some in other random places. The option names they define are pretty much random. E.g., consider PulseAudio: it lives in "/nixos/config", defines "hardware.pulseaudio", while clearly implementing a service. Cleaning that up would be good.

An immediately applicable measures that, I think, would improve things for NixOS:

veprbl commented 5 years ago

I don't think NixOS has any shortage of people with commit bits. NixOS organisation has 65 members, plus, the nixpkgs repository has some additional committers that are not members. Looking at the list of members, I don't recall ~half of the names to ever merge a PR I looked at. Out of the remaining "half", a ~half would be mostly working on infrastructure and/or mostly merge their own PR or commit directly (I don't say they are not doing an important job, but in this issue we talk about reviewing PR's). My point is that putting work into reviewing those piles of PR's is not a small endeavour. In my opinion, the people who are willing to do that for free should be valued at a price of gold in the community. It will not be easy to find more people to help with that kind of work. I believe that just increasing number of people with commit privilege is unlikely to help the situation - it was not so effective before and I don't see any indication that it will help in the future. A more effective solution might have to do with improving the nixpkgs infrastructure to improve efficiency and convenience for people who are willing to work on reviewing. I don't know what exactly needs to be done. It could be improving some CI capabilities of @GrahamcOfBorg or adding functionality similar to Rust community's @bors or perhaps even gamifying the process a little bit (e.g. @rust-highfive).

infinisil commented 5 years ago

@veprbl The thing is, people might get commit access at some point because they have a lot of time and motivation to contribute, and that is a great help at that time. But times change, people change, they might get inactive or change their field. Those are the inactive people with commit access, most of them contributed well at some point.

We also discussed this a bit on IRC on how to fix this: People no longer active in the Nix community should be taken away commit rights after some amount of inactivity. Specifically, after 1 year of not participating in any nixpkgs issues/PRs this could happen, people seemed to agree on this.

veprbl commented 5 years ago

@Infinisil The number of members doesn't bother me at all and I'm not calling for purges of any kind. That was not my point. I'm just skeptical about your proposed extensive solution to increase the number of maintainers to solve the problem of PR pileup. I think there are some unexplored intensive measures that we could take.

infinisil commented 5 years ago

@veprbl Well I'm certainly up for some purging though! I understand what you mean, but I disagree. Let's look at it like this:

I think these 2 questions have long been standing in the way of many people trying to think of becoming an active committer. People don't know what "active" means and whether they are eligible. And people don't know how to ask for commit rights.

How did I get commit rights? After asking around a lot on IRC, I got the answer that I should ask @edolstra directly. So I asked him directly in IRC, and he was kind enough to give me these rights. Yes it worked, but it took me way too long to figure this out, and not everybody can figure this out, it's written down nowhere.

And yes, as seen in this issue, there are people who want commit rights, I don't think we'll have trouble finding them. On top of my mind, I know that both @worldofpeace and @kalbasit are relatively new community members both helping out a lot (thanks!) and wishing to get commit rights to be able to help out even more, and I'm sure there's more people to come in the future, this project is growing a lot after all!

I think this issue should stay a place to discuss how we can make the process of getting new committers easier and more standardized, not whether we should. We need to get new committers, there's no way around it, and this project wouldn't be this far if we didn't add new committers in the past. As a datapoint, @edolstra made me a committer 4 months ago and I merged 236 pull requests since then. I couldn't have helped out this much if I weren't a committer.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

Re: splitting the repository: I remember NixOS being in a separate repository. But then some changes needed to be applied to both repos in sync, which lead to eventual migration of NixOS into Nixpkgs repository. I would expect spinning out overlays out of Nixpkgs to cause similar problems.

alyssais commented 5 years ago

One of the things that has made Nix appealing to me (and easy to contribute to) so far for me has been that everything lives in one big repository. It means that there is one single directory I can grep through when I'm trying to figure out how something works, and one repository that I can bisect really easily when something has broken. Any time I've tried to figure out how something works on any other free operating system, I've become lost in a sea of repositories, where there's no way to reconcile which revisions match up, and to figure out what was used to build a system. For me, the monorepo has been one of NixOS's biggest strengths.

On the topic of new contributors, from my perspective as somebody who hopes to (at some point) become a Nixpkgs committer, and who has previously been one for another large package manager (Homebrew):

I think there's a middle ground between hard rules and giving commit access to random people. In my mind, I see a flow where maybe 1 reviewer notices a person who has been doing a lot of good work, writes up a private post to the other committers about whether it would be a good idea to bring them on board, and then invites them in if there were no real objections after a certain amount of time would be a perfectly healthy way to grow the community that wouldn't be vulnerable to getting caught up in bureaucracy.

alyssais commented 5 years ago

One more thing: if commit rights were something that had to be requested, I think that might put people off. "What if I'm rejected?", "What if it's rude to ask, and I should wait until I'm invited?". People can be shy or nervous, and it's important to remember that there is a power imbalance here between the "applicant" and the existing committers that could make asking straight up feel daunting.

I think it would be reasonable to assume that anybody with a sustained pattern of contributions would be at least interested in commit rights, and should be offered them when the team thinks it's appropriate. They can always decline. But that way, it's not up to one non-committer to work up the courage to ask.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago
  • "To have review at least 20 non-trivial PR's" – as a non-committer to a free software project, it's often not clear to me whether reviews from non-committers are welcome.

I think right now we don't make it clear enough they are. I think a public document that says we expect new committers to have already reviewed PRs would be a part of making it clear. I have also expressed my doubt about the balance of numbers.

  • I would be wary of over-formalising. If you have an entirely numeric public set of benchmarks for when somebody can become (or be considered to become) a contributor, it would be very easy to end up with a situation where there's somebody that the team feels, for whatever reason, wouldn't be a good fit, but has met the benchmarks, and feels that they aren't getting something that they have earned and deserve. On the other hand, those same benchmarks might slow down the process of bringing somebody on board who would unquestionably be an asset.

I do hope that people who are much better than me in writing texts for humans will succeed in positioning guidelines in a proper way. These should eventually be «typical expected experience level around the time of receiving commit access» or something like that.

I do not expect any problems with positive exceptions, although these will probably still take more time than the streamlined main process.

Negative exceptions are harder, of course; in some sense, I expect them to be predictable early in advance (probably before 20 accepted PRs), but no idea what is the best way to handle this proactively.

  • When people do get commit access, it would be nice for the community to know a little bit about them. I think it would help build the human connection between everybody working on this software, and would be a really nice welcome for the new person. Maybe a "welcome X to nixpkgs" post on Discourse with a little bit about what work they'd been doing and why the rest of the team decided to offer the commit access.

I feel «welcome X to Nixpkgs» has unfortunate implications about non-committers, more like «welcome X to Nixpkgs committers».

I have an expectation that «why the rest of team has decided» might encourage writing some paragraph in exact same words in almost every post like that.

I think regardless of human connection, knowing who is interested in what technical areas is very useful, and we seem to be beyond the point of being able to keep track of that without technical aids.

I think it would be reasonable to assume that anybody with a sustained pattern of contributions would be at least interested in commit rights, and should be offered them when the team thinks it's appropriate. They can always decline. But that way, it's not up to one non-committer to work up the courage to ask.

On the other hand, if we want the process not to be blocked on the community-focused people in the team having or not having enough time, we need to make sure that asking for commit access is a normal thing that people do (and succeed). I hope guidelines will help with impostor syndrome (if you meet the guidelines, yes you do have enough experience and no nobody can keep track of everything in Nixpkgs anyway). But quietly doing useful work in the neglected corners makes a person harder to notice — and at the same time, it makes the same person valuable in an irreplaceable way.

And people who apply might have an easier time to remember some examples of their less straitforward contributions. Trying to quickly review contributions of many people to find out who has been missed is tiring (I know, I have tried to do that systematically but gave up after doing it a few times and talking a few people into succesfully applying). Keeping notes between the attempts could be helpful, I guess, but then we might end up with a leaderboard for a race towards commit access… Maybe at least a non-public one.

Or maybe joining this with the «interested in …» list could lead to a wiki about community members with areas of current interest and links to recent examples of things people participated in; that could help with both finding people to ask for advice/review, and with looking for people missed by commit access offers.

Basically, every process that requires regular active involvement from existing committers has a risk of stalling, and if we make the default to be «offering the access», people who are missed might think they just need to wait.

makefu commented 5 years ago

I am very much in favor of an approval system + automatic merge by ofBorg because i personally do not want to have direct commit access to nixpkgs master but i actually do like to help out with PRs by performing reviews. For me pushing directly to the branches of the repo is a super scary thought and having some automatic entity which actually performs the merge gives an ease of mind.

Right now what i am doing is occasionally is reviewing changes and use the approve functionality by github to mark PRs as "lgtm". This makes it easier for certain maintainers i know personally (e.g. @Mic92 ) to actually perform a quick check and merge.

kalbasit commented 5 years ago

For me pushing directly to the branches of the repo is a super scary thought

Personally, I disabled pushing to origin with git remote set-url --push origin no_push that way I cannot make a mistake and push to the wrong fork.

infinisil commented 5 years ago

Here's a simple idea which could slow down our current incoming PR rate by a lot:

Add a section like the following to the start of the PR template (in a comment):

Currently nixpkgs has a lot of new incoming PR's but not enough people to review this constant stream. Even if you aren't a committer, we would appreciate a review fro you, even for a simple package update. If you have certain packages you are familiar with, search for PR's relevant to them. Check out to see ready open PR's. See for details on what to pay attention to when reviewing. Reviewing PR's isn't mandatory of course, but it would help out the committers immensely and make the time-to-merge shorter for all of us. And if you have some experience with reviewing, feel confident and want to help out even more, feel free to ask for becoming a committer in #50105!

periklis commented 5 years ago

Let me jump on this train starting with a little bit of background about my activities on nixpkgs. I've been using nixpkgs on a darwin since 2015 and switched to a full NixOS 18.09 lately at work only. I've created around 47 PR over time with a variety of concerns. Sometimes just update a package or fix the darwin build and another time introduce packages i regularly use at work. In addition i tried to help part-time by following the cross-compilation efforts of @Ericson2314 and gave feedback from my experiments and still try to help our security team. Furthermore, i try to help new-coming Nix-fellows from my own company when they start with their PRs by applying the following steps:

In total i feel very comfortable with not having any commit rights. I feel that as a non-commiter you can help a lot without accessing master/staging/etc. by yourself. This gives you imho the option to step back when other things are more important and this happens a lot in companies where you don't do Nix for a living (hey i've to keep our kubernetes platform running). Being a non-commiter gives you the freedom to support more on the testing and documentation side, which imho is needed more than committing code in the Nix/NixOS ecosystem.

To summarize i would like to see a non-commiter status for people who apply in nixpkgs a set of valuable review steps to help maintainers like the above list (e.g. code review, nix-review, of-borg remarks). I think our maintainers would have an easier time to merge PRs if they can trust non-commiters' review according to a solid policy. In addition this would help non-commiters to know how they can be valuable. Of course an additional mention-bot or so like for these non-commiter-reviewers would be helpful to keep them on the track.

PS: Imho a free software projects lives more with a solid policy of participation on the non-commiter side than by making rules of who can be a maintainer. The maintainer team should have additionally a subjective opinion on who is a good fit and who is not. Sometimes the ultimate committer is just a PITA fellow.

dasJ commented 5 years ago

Commenting here as well as I was sent here form IRC. The website still states please ask Eelco, or on the #nixos IRC channel, but it seems like this issue is the new way to go. I totally agree with most of the points stated above, but I don't feel like I'm in the position to judge about an application process I didn't even pass yet.

So as I asked @Infinisil on IRC and got sent here, I'll just "apply" here for testing the new workflow once there is one. In the past, I contributed some module changes and new packages which I maintain now. However, package updates and minor fixes often stall as PRs. I hope to be able to make this easier for me (as I don't have to wait) and also easier for other committers (as they don't have to merge my stuff). Also, I hope to be able to merge smaller PRs to reduce the number of open ones.

FRidh commented 5 years ago

I hope to be able to make this easier for me (as I don't have to wait) and also easier for other committers (as they don't have to merge my stuff).

This I don't agree with. We should aim at not merging our own stuff, and instead review/merge others' work.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

We should aim at not merging our own stuff

I don't think there is any evidence we are even close to being able to afford thisposition. The number of open PRs keeps creeping up.

dasJ commented 5 years ago

@FRidh Sorry, this might have been a bit unclear. From my current PRs, there are things I would merge if there are no responses within a week or so (#55937), because it's small and fixes stuff. There are also other PRs (maybe #44629), I wouldn't merge myself as it's non-trivial. I think self-merging isn't something to forbid, but something to set rules to because as @7c6f434c said we're just not a big-enough community to have peer-review for every minor change. Maybe this will work in the future, but not yet. Maybe ofborg can help here identifying trivial changes and allowing automerging for trusted users.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

I wouldn't say «not big enough», more like «not stabilised enough as a community, and with too varied interests». Obviously, we have enough people to support a feature scope similar to Triton but with multiple review. Whether enough people are interested in that is another question. If yes — maybe there could be a core with stricter rules and an official overlay with the milder rules. I am not sure that the strict-rules core will be enough even for the current graphical installtion image, but if overlays work fine, it shouldn't be that important.

infinisil commented 5 years ago

Other idea (probably needs an RFC):

Create a nixpkgs-nominations repository that contains instructions on how to become a nixpkgs committer, which would go something like this (similar to the current RFC process):

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

If anyone writes this RFC, please do not forget to include «merging good minor PRs» as one of the suggested aims.

marsam commented 5 years ago

What is the procedure to request commit access? I'd like to request commit access to help with the PR pileup. I've using nix for about 2 years and have around 160+ commits to nixpkgs.

domenkozar commented 5 years ago

@Infinisil I'd love for that to happen, let not anyone you from doing it :)

Sent invitations to @marsam and @periklis

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

@Infinisil by the way if it is nominations, is it a supported scenario to create a PR with explanation why I want to nominate a contributor (with highlights of their previous great work in the public space)? Of course they can decline.

This is partially in response to the point of @alyssais about some people being too cautious/shy/humble to ask when it makes sense.

romildo commented 5 years ago

Following marsam's request, I would like to have commit access too. According to github, I have contributed up to now with 1008 commits to master, excluding merge commits, and I am ranked 30 in the contributors list.

domenkozar commented 5 years ago

Only if Brazilian humor persists. Joking aside (the correct one), I've sent you an invitation.

7c6f434c commented 5 years ago

@domenkozar I think you missed @aanderse

(which might have something to do with the message worded in a way that escapes most reasonable search requests…)

domenkozar commented 5 years ago

@aanderse any chance you can set your name/surname on github? And ideally an avatar :)

aanderse commented 5 years ago

@aanderse any chance you can set your name/surname on github? And ideally an avatar :)

@domenkozar As requested.

Profpatsch commented 5 years ago

@domenkozar I nominate @Lassulus for commit access.

domenkozar commented 5 years ago

@Profpatsch based on

Profpatsch commented 5 years ago

@domenkozar yeah, he’s also the leader of the biggest regular NixOS meetings (at cbase).