Nixtla / statsforecast

Lightning ⚡️ fast forecasting with statistical and econometric models.
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Exogenous Regressor having ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (53,3) into shape (52,3) #867

Closed sm-ak-r33 closed 2 months ago

sm-ak-r33 commented 2 months ago


from statsforecast.models import AutoARIMA models = [AutoARIMA(season_length=4)] sf = StatsForecast( models=models, freq='W', n_jobs=1, ) horizon = 52 level = [95]

fcst = sf.forecast(df=input_df, h=horizon, X_df=ex_df, level=level) fcst.head()

Why does this code give me an error saying

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[111], line 11 8 horizon = 52 9 level = [95] ---> 11 fcst = sf.forecast(df=input_df, h=horizon, X_df=ex_df, level=level) 12 fcst.head()

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsforecast/, in StatsForecast.forecast(self, h, df, X_df, level, fitted, sort_df, prediction_intervals, id_col, time_col, target_col) 1561 raise ValueError( 1562 "You must specify level when using prediction_intervals" 1563 ) 1564 if self._is_native(df=df): -> 1565 return super().forecast( 1566 df=df, 1567 h=h, 1568 X_df=X_df, 1569 level=level, 1570 fitted=fitted, 1571 sort_df=sort_df, 1572 prediction_intervals=prediction_intervals, 1573 id_col=id_col, 1574 time_col=time_col, 1575 target_col=target_col, 1576 ) 1577 assert df is not None 1578 engine = make_execution_engine(infer_by=[df])

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsforecast/, in _StatsForecast.forecast(self, h, df, X_df, level, fitted, sort_df, prediction_intervals, id_col, time_col, target_col) 861 X, level = self._parse_X_level(h=h, X=X_df, level=level) 862 if self.n_jobs == 1: --> 863 res_fcsts = 864 models=self.models, 865 h=h, 866 fallback_model=self.fallback_model, 867 fitted=fitted, 868 X=X, 869 level=level, 870 verbose=self.verbose, 871 target_col=target_col, 872 ) 873 else: 874 res_fcsts = self._forecast_parallel( 875 h=h, fitted=fitted, X=X, level=level, target_col=target_col 876 )

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsforecast/, in GroupedArray.forecast(self, models, h, fallback_model, fitted, X, level, verbose, target_col) 207 if fcsts_i.ndim == 1: 208 fcsts_i = fcsts_i[:, None] --> 209 fcsts[i h : (i + 1) h, cuts[i_model] : cuts[i_model + 1]] = fcsts_i 210 cols += cols_m 211 if fitted:

ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (53,3) into shape (52,3)

note that my input dataframe shape is 416 rows × 9 columns, and exogenous dataframe shape is 104 rows × 8 columns.


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jmoralez commented 2 months ago

Hey. Can you provide a reproducible example (along with some data)? The following works as expected:

from statsforecast import StatsForecast
from statsforecast.models import AutoARIMA
from import generate_series

h = 52
series = generate_series(2, freq="W", min_length=200, max_length=300, n_static_features=2)
X_df = series.groupby('unique_id', observed=True).tail(h).drop(columns='y')
train = series.drop(X_df.index)

sf = StatsForecast(models=[AutoARIMA(season_length=4)], freq="W")
sf.forecast(df=train, h=h, X_df=X_df, level=[95])
sm-ak-r33 commented 2 months ago

The data kind of looks like this

Input Data:

unique_id | ds | y | trend | seasonal | exogenous | exogenous_lag_3 | exogenous_lag_5 | external_signal -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-08 | 7.486014 | 200.0 | 6199.476635 | 217.520839 | 335.556044 | 433.702076 | 6181.411581 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-15 | 7.115399 | 1200.0 | 7057.529964 | 385.700711 | 326.913268 | 419.006001 | 5339.990400 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-22 | 6.048641 | 2600.0 | 7849.874700 | 459.054781 | 563.332891 | 424.123655 | 5489.351360 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-29 | 4.969568 | 4000.0 | 8092.339929 | 418.075968 | 358.778677 | 307.659674 | 5121.140475 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-04-05 | 4.619659 | 5400.0 | 7782.813379 | 264.883827 | 344.763527 | 421.083844 | 4492.706055

Exogenous Data:

unique_id | ds | y | trend | seasonal | exogenous | exogenous_lag_3 | exogenous_lag_5 | external_signal -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-08 | 7.486014 | 200.0 | 6199.476635 | 217.520839 | 335.556044 | 433.702076 | 6181.411581 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-15 | 7.115399 | 1200.0 | 7057.529964 | 385.700711 | 326.913268 | 419.006001 | 5339.990400 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-22 | 6.048641 | 2600.0 | 7849.874700 | 459.054781 | 563.332891 | 424.123655 | 5489.351360 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-03-29 | 4.969568 | 4000.0 | 8092.339929 | 418.075968 | 358.778677 | 307.659674 | 5121.140475 "rT:{ZÊ悴ÜF{<фï#=๑,᱄©ঋӎ° | 2020-04-05 | 4.619659 | 5400.0 | 7782.813379 | 264.883827 | 344.763527 | 421.083844 | 4492.706055
jmoralez commented 2 months ago

I meant providing a self contained example (as the one I provided above) that reproduces the error.

sm-ak-r33 commented 2 months ago

I am having the following error running you chunk of code as well in AzureML. Is that a dependency issue?

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[11], line 2 1 sf = StatsForecast(models=[AutoARIMA(season_length=4)], freq="W") ----> 2 sf.forecast(df=train, h=h, X_df=X_df, level=[95])

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsforecast/, in StatsForecast.forecast(self, h, df, X_df, level, fitted, sort_df, prediction_intervals, id_col, time_col, target_col) 1561 raise ValueError( 1562 "You must specify level when using prediction_intervals" 1563 ) 1564 if self._is_native(df=df): -> 1565 return super().forecast( 1566 df=df, 1567 h=h, 1568 X_df=X_df, 1569 level=level, 1570 fitted=fitted, 1571 sort_df=sort_df, 1572 prediction_intervals=prediction_intervals, 1573 id_col=id_col, 1574 time_col=time_col, 1575 target_col=target_col, 1576 ) 1577 assert df is not None 1578 engine = make_execution_engine(infer_by=[df])

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsforecast/, in _StatsForecast.forecast(self, h, df, X_df, level, fitted, sort_df, prediction_intervals, id_col, time_col, target_col) 859 self._validate_sizes_for_prediction_intervals(prediction_intervals) 860 self._set_prediction_intervals(prediction_intervals=prediction_intervals) --> 861 X, level = self._parse_X_level(h=h, X=X_df, level=level) 862 if self.n_jobs == 1: 863 res_fcsts = 864 models=self.models, 865 h=h, (...) 871 target_col=target_col, 872 )

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsforecast/, in _StatsForecast._parse_X_level(self, h, X, level) 677 raise ValueError( 678 f"Expected X to have shape {expected_shape}, but got {X.shape}" 679 ) 680 first_col = [c for c in X.columns if c not in (self.id_col, self.timecol)][0] --> 681 , , data, indptr, = ufp.process_df(X, self.id_col, self.time_col, first_col) 682 return GroupedArray(data, indptr), level

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/utilsforecast/, in process_df(df, id_col, time_col, target_col) 635 """Extract components from dataframe 636 637 Parameters (...) 654 If the data is already sorted this is None. 655 """ 656 # validations --> 657 validate_format(df, id_col, time_col, target_col) 659 # ids 660 id_counts = counts_by_id(df, id_col)

File /anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/utilsforecast/, in validate_format(df, id_col, time_col, target_col) 128 is_numeric = target.is_numeric() 129 if not is_numeric: --> 130 raise ValueError( 131 f"The target column ('{target_col}') should have a numeric data type, got '{target.dtype}')" 132 )

ValueError: The target column ('static_0') should have a numeric data type, got 'category')

jmoralez commented 2 months ago

Can you try upgrading utilsforecast? pip install --upgrade utilsforecast

sm-ak-r33 commented 2 months ago

Tried that. Still having the same issue.

sm-ak-r33 commented 2 months ago

Just updated Statsforecast and the chunk you provided works, but having the same issue with my dataset. I have no idea why the shape error is being shown where my input and output correspond to the correct shapes and it works fine with pmdarima.

sm-ak-r33 commented 2 months ago

Anyways solved it by predicting the exogenous features for test set.