This will be usefull for the non-rigid manipulator
[ ] Use the voxelisation library of open3D
[ ] It is important to find the best parameter for voxelisation (i.e size of the grid)
[ ] Find the voxel with a minimum of N points (find a good number here also)
[ ] Apply Cylinder Ransac on each voxel that has a minimum of N points
[ ] Apply polynomial Ransac on the global shape using only the inlier detected before, this time Ransac will be done on a polynomial of degree >4 (deformed cylinder)
This will be usefull for the non-rigid manipulator
[ ] Use the voxelisation library of open3D [ ] It is important to find the best parameter for voxelisation (i.e size of the grid) [ ] Find the voxel with a minimum of N points (find a good number here also) [ ] Apply Cylinder Ransac on each voxel that has a minimum of N points [ ] Apply polynomial Ransac on the global shape using only the inlier detected before, this time Ransac will be done on a polynomial of degree >4 (deformed cylinder)