Njol / Skript

Skript is a Bukkit plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
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ideas for more time expressions (sunrise, sunset, moonrise, midnight, etc.) #298

Open PoweredDragon opened 10 years ago

PoweredDragon commented 10 years ago

Let's Start! I was wandering about events, conditions, effects, and expressions, which would be responsible for day/night cycle! Of course, if it's possible. So....


On sunrise/sunset/moonrise/moonset(Usable if there's plugin which's responsible for changes in time - we don't have to search which hour in-game is responsible for this event)


moon phase is full moon/new moon/other moon phases in minecraft :P

day time is midnight/dawn/dusk/noon/sunrise/sunset/day(between dawn and noon, between noon and dusk)/night(between dusk and midnight, between midnight and dawn)/sunrise/sunset(Look up. If there's time-changing plugin it'll look which hour in game time it is :P)


set moon phase to %moon phase% set day time to %time segment of day%(or whatever)


moon phase: full moon/new moon/other moon phases in minecraft time segment of day: midnight/dawn/dusk/noon/day/night/sunrise/sunset

For example: on moonrise: moon phase is full moon: set moon phase to new moon

on command /sunrise_gift: day time is sunrise: give 5 gold ingot named "&6Sunrise gift" to player send "&2Congratulations! You're punctual! Full award for you!" to player else: day time is dawn: give 1 gold ingot named "&6Sunrise gift" to player send "&cSorry. &2You're late. Only 1 gift item for you!" to player else: damage player by 2 send "&cSorry. &2Current day time is %time segment of day%, not sunrise..." to player

Njol commented 10 years ago

Moon phases already have their own issue: #38