Njol / Skript

Skript is a Bukkit plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
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loop blocks/entities in chunks #336

Closed zmolahah closed 10 years ago

zmolahah commented 10 years ago

Not found a way to do this. The ability to loop blocks/entities in a chunk

example 1: loop blocks in chunk at location of player: y coord of loop-block is greater than 49 set loop-block to bedrock y coord of loop-block is greater than 50 set loop-block to air

example 2: loop entities in chunk at location of player: loop-entity is creeper kill loop-entity

ismooch commented 10 years ago

example 2: loop entities in radius 16 of player: chunk at location of loop-entity is chunk at location of player loop-entity is creeper kill loop-entity

zmolahah commented 10 years ago

Was already using that method previously. You can do the same method with the looping of blocks but it's not as good as looping the chunk.

Reason 1: Does not loop everything you want unless you increase the radius by a large amount

Reason 2: Will check for blocks/entities not even in the chunk which is just unnecessary

joeuguce99 commented 10 years ago

Skript Plus already adds that.