Njol / Skript

Skript is a Bukkit plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
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Incompatibility between Skript and MassiveCore ( That makes Skript "freezed" ) #376

Closed Beerus-Sama closed 8 years ago

Beerus-Sama commented 8 years ago

Hi , i find a big problem , there's an problem when massivecore and Skript are running at the same time , it's making skript not working and massivecraft more laggy , i opened a ticket on the massivecore github and it seems that the problem is from skript ! ( Here's the link ) I'm here for find a way to solve the problem thanks you :smile:

TlatoaniHJ commented 8 years ago

Njol isn't active, so you will probably not get a response here. I recommend you go to https://forums.skunity.com and post a help thread.

Beerus-Sama commented 8 years ago

Ok i'm going to post a thread