Nkaleth / Math-magicians

"Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to: make simple calculations, read a random math-related quote. By building this application,I will learn how to use React.
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Use React hooks. #4

Open Nkaleth opened 1 year ago

Nkaleth commented 1 year ago

I used the useStatehook in this line to add a state variable to Calculator component, the initial state is {} :


Then I update the state in this line with the calculate function with the current state and the string of the clicked button:


Finally, when the state has been changed, react detecs it and start a re-render of the calculator component, specifically this <p></p tag which its inner text depends on the new state.


CollinsTatang commented 1 year ago

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Your project is complete! There is nothing else to say other than... it's time to merge it :shipit:

Congratulations! 🎉


Cheers and Happy coding!👏👏👏

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