Open MetaNets369 opened 3 months ago
On closer inspection:
The .gitignore file has lib/ listed under the "Distribution / packaging" section, which is causing the frontend/src/lib/utils.ts file to be ignored because lib/ is a parent directory.
To resolve this, you can either:
Remove lib/ from .gitignore:
If you don't need to ignore the lib/ directory for other purposes, you can remove or comment out the lib/ line from your .gitignore file.
Add an Exception for the Specific File:
You can add an exception in the .gitignore file to explicitly include frontend/src/lib/utils.ts.
Issue Description
The Frontend app is missing frontend/src/lib/utils.ts
The utils serves as import for button.tsx (import { cn } from "@/lib/utils") Imported by ./src/app/page.tsx
My Solution:
Create the file frontend/src/lib/utils.ts with contents:
export function cn(...classes: string[]) { return classes.filter(Boolean).join(' '); }
Resolves the issue.
The original error is:
Failed to compile ./src/components/ui/button.tsx:5:0 Module not found: Can't resolve '@/lib/utils' 3 | import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority" 4 |
Import trace for requested module: ./src/app/page.tsx