the new natively supported (in most browsers) dialog element which is like a modal window (useful for sidebar) with a pseudo element ::background which supplies the background styling and onClick-'outside of modal' event
new viewport units designed specifically for mobile (this is a big problem for this app rn)
the sponsor,, provides an npm package that is a simple and elegant authentication solution
native popovers/tooltips
webgpu (not for this project, more for like webassembly and games/etc., but it's a great feature and earns a place here lol)
css nesting (works great with scoped css scripts [importing css from react scripts, for example])
web vitals chrome extension
global function structuredClone() implements deep copy (which is better than shallow copy instances - such as [...arr])
import maps
future direct json imports into js files
initial letter
view transitions api - making web applications behave like mobile apps
There are some pretty big features that are applicable to this app
such as