NoBrainerORM / nobrainer

Ruby ORM for RethinkDB
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Documentation without Rails #215

Closed atomless closed 8 years ago

atomless commented 8 years ago

Such a shame so much of the documentation outlines Rails based solutions. If I were working with Rails I'd probably use another db and stick with active-record. As an alternative to active record it would be great to have the documentation less geared towards Rails users and more towards vanilla ruby.

jeroenvisser101 commented 8 years ago

The documentation isn't focused on rails at all, it uses ActiveModel under the hood, and can be used without Rails.

jeroenvisser101 commented 8 years ago

I think the only thing really focused on rails is

atomless commented 8 years ago

Actually, I take it back. You're right, much of it does not mention rails, just so happened that the first two bits I scanned through were the configuration page (as you mentioned) and at the bottom of this page :

Which had me worried for a second, whether my ruby/rethink learning curve was going to hit a continual wall of "oh dear but I am not using rails".

Thanks, really enjoying using it with Rethink so far.

jeroenvisser101 commented 8 years ago

@atomless 👍 some of the ruby ecosystem is really rails-first. I've hit this block too but nobrainer is one of the only libraries that worked easier outside of rails than inside (since inside takes some manual configuration, removing ActiveRecord and getting other gems to work without AR)