NoDivide / astrum

A lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project.
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Descriptions loading and present, but with <!doctype html> tag printed on page #157

Open dsagner opened 6 years ago

dsagner commented 6 years ago

I've successfully edited my MIMETYPE setting on IIS and I added the IISMarkdownHandler locally to my .NET MVC project like described in this Issue, the markdown content is now getting read and inserted to it's respected placeholders, but before each of them I get a "<!doctype html>" tag rendered whether or not the file contains some content inside it. I have this only locally on my machine, therefore a screenshot is being added to this comment. I haven't made any changes to the file for the Introduction page to test if it is present on the generated files after astrum initialization in the project folder. Did I just miss something from the links above or can the cause be something else?

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Platform: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OS Version: 10.0.16299 Build 16299 Node Version: v9.3.0 NPM Version: 5.5.1 Astrum Version: 1.9.5

Andy-set-studio commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this @dsagner. I'll put this under investigation for now.

We're all Mac users here, so it'll be tough to recreate this one. If anyone else in this community can help us out, we'd really appreciate it! We want Astrum to work well wherever it's being deployed 🙂

dsagner commented 6 years ago

Some extra information that might help. I've added the MIMETYPE setting to my web.config file under the system.webserver - handlers tag (see below) <add name=".md extension" path="*.md" verb="GET" resourceType="File" requireAccess="Read" type="IISMarkdownHandler.IISMarkdownHandler, IISMarkdownHandler"/> AND in the Features View under MIME Types in the IIS Manager. The extension was ".md" (since it's the only one used I didn't bother adding all the other known markdown extensions) and MIME Type set to "text/markdown".

I have a hunch, suspicion if you want to call it... am currently investigating whether this is just present on my machine due to some setting overlaps or missing ones because the project is a Sitecore project and I've added the astrum files into an existing project which is not used for rendering views but only to ensure styles references are present throughout the website, and doing a deploy to our dev server to check if the pattern library will get rendered with the tags.