Noaaan / MythicMetals

Fabric based Minecraft mod that adds new materials into the game. Includes new tools, ores, anvils, and sets of armor.
74 stars 24 forks source link

Internal Server Error w/Mythic Metals (at nourl.mythicmetals.armor.CarmotShield.tickShield( ~[mythicmetals-0.15.0.jar:?]) #84

Closed KavisKryptic closed 2 years ago

KavisKryptic commented 2 years ago

Issue with joining a world in my modpack's server. It seems to be attributing the issue to Mythic Metals. (Scroll to bottom to see the error)

And after I uninstalled it [Mythic Metals] on both client and server, I was able to load in with no issues.

Noaaan commented 2 years ago

I think I found the issue, and I will fix it later today

@Inject(method = "tick", at = @At("TAIL"))
    private void tickCarmotShield(CallbackInfo ci) {
        getComponent(MythicMetals.CARMOT_SHIELD).tickShield(); // Calls MinecraftClient, which would crash on servers
KavisKryptic commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the fix! I appreciate it :D

Sunconure11 commented 11 months ago

Sorry to bump this old issue, but is this still a problem?

23.09 14:12:26 [Server] Netty Epoll Play IO Thread #1/WARN Packet:cardinal-components:entity_sync caused an error above, printing name & data
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] Netty Epoll Play IO Thread #1/WARN Packet data:
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO {
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO "field_12165": {
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO "field_13353": "cardinal-components",
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO "field_13355": "entity_sync"
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO },
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO "field_12162": [
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO "\u0000\u0000\u0000�\u001amythicmetals:carmot_shield\n\u0000\u0000\u0003\u0000\bcooldown\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0005\u0000\u0006health\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0003\u0000\nrendertime\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO ],
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO "packetName": ""
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO }
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] Netty Epoll Play IO Thread #1/WARN
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] Netty Epoll Play IO Thread #1/WARN Network error for:packet_handler
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO null
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] INFO at$AbstractUnsafe.write(Object, ChannelPromise)(Unknown Source) ~[netty-transport-4.1.77.Final.jar:?]
23.09 14:12:26 [Disconnect] User Sunconure11 has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
23.09 14:12:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO Sunconure11 left the game
Sunconure11 commented 11 months ago

Happening on 1.19.2, of note.

Sunconure11 commented 11 months ago

I'll send over the latest log tomorrow

Noaaan commented 11 months ago

Not in at least a year. Please do re-open the issue, as the fix for it was implemented and is in use.