NoahSaso / merge-psychonautwiki-tripsit-data

Script to merge data from PsychonautWiki API + pages and TripSit factsheets into one standardized format
MIT License
11 stars 8 forks source link

Typescript Additions #9

Open LunaUrsa opened 8 months ago

LunaUrsa commented 8 months ago

Hey Noah!

If you don't know me, I'm the director of TripSit, and I cannot thank you enough for this repository. As you know, TripSit's database could have been better for most of our existence, and your hard work allowed people to utilize our data in a more friendly way. This is very much appreciated; I even heard of this repo through other developers, so it's being used; thank you!

Anyway, I've taken over the system admin stuff at TripSit and updated specific projects. One of those projects is to clean up and make the database more accessible, and I've made significant progress on that over at This repo has our drug database, and it's been thoroughly cleaned to include typescript definitions and a JSON schema file that will make it harder to mess up the syntax in the future.

I've also updated the API ( to use this new repo, and I've tested your, so everything is all good there; you shouldn't notice any changes, except now some of your "put up with TripSit's bullshit" try/catch statements might not be necessary anymore.

Finally, most of TripSit's projects are in js/ts, and I wanted to compare PW vs TS data, so I wanted a typescript module that I could run and get a comparison/merge on demand. This pull request has that script and contains your and the Python stuff. I respect your work and don't want to throw it away; I wanted a typescript option, and if others can find it helpful, that would be dandy. You don't need to accept the pull request; you can close it after reading this message.

Thanks again!

pyt0xic commented 8 months ago

Out of context but I can't wait to try the updated API, nice work!

NoahSaso commented 8 months ago

Hey Noah!

If you don't know me, I'm the director of TripSit, and I cannot thank you enough for this repository. As you know, TripSit's database could have been better for most of our existence, and your hard work allowed people to utilize our data in a more friendly way. This is very much appreciated; I even heard of this repo through other developers, so it's being used; thank you!

Anyway, I've taken over the system admin stuff at TripSit and updated specific projects. One of those projects is to clean up and make the database more accessible, and I've made significant progress on that over at This repo has our drug database, and it's been thoroughly cleaned to include typescript definitions and a JSON schema file that will make it harder to mess up the syntax in the future.

I've also updated the API ( to use this new repo, and I've tested your, so everything is all good there; you shouldn't notice any changes, except now some of your "put up with TripSit's bullshit" try/catch statements might not be necessary anymore.

Finally, most of TripSit's projects are in js/ts, and I wanted to compare PW vs TS data, so I wanted a typescript module that I could run and get a comparison/merge on demand. This pull request has that script and contains your and the Python stuff. I respect your work and don't want to throw it away; I wanted a typescript option, and if others can find it helpful, that would be dandy. You don't need to accept the pull request; you can close it after reading this message.

Thanks again!

Nice to meet you!! This is so so sweet to hear—I didn't know it was used by anyone else :0

And you're welcome! I initially wrote this script (and still use it) to power the database behind, a mobile-friendly (open source) substance info lookup PWA. I haven't updated the app in a while, though the substance data should be up to date. I'd be curious to know if you had any feedback/ideas about that webapp, or if you think it's fine as-is. I'm a bit concerned about its legality as it could be misconstrued as medical advice, though I don't think it's any different from PsychonautWiki or TripSit. Would love to hear any thoughts that could ease my anxieties there 😅

I would LOVE to move this off Python.. seems like you took care of that for me 🤩 I will likely merge this when I get the chance to read through the script. TypeScript is my favorite <3

Thank you for improving the API and cleaning up the database!

LunaUrsa commented 8 months ago

You're so welcome! I'm thrilled to hear you're open to the change. It may not be the cleanest code; I've been working on a few projects and made the pull request when it seemed somewhat stable. It may be good to check out the version that's used in production to see the most recent version. The TripBot repo also has the most recent psychonaut.d.ts and combined.d.ts. Once your repo is updated, we can turn it into an NPM package. Just a thought for later!

Your app looks incredible, and I wouldn't worry about legality: TS has never had any issues with law enforcement or talking about giving medical advice. I'm not a lawyer, but from my understanding, "intent" is important, and your app doesn't intend to do any harm, so I'm not concerned. If you want to be extra sure, add a "This information here is not meant to be medical advice and should be double-checked before acted on" to the About section. Other than that, it looks great, much better than TripSit's Android app 😅

If you ever want to talk, please join TripSit's Discord, say hi to me (Moonbear), or join one of the development rooms. Would be happy to answer any questions or talk about projects!