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Angiogram Data #77

Open noahlefebvre opened 4 years ago

noahlefebvre commented 4 years ago,300%20cardiac%20studies%20during%201977. -how much do angiograms cost on average $1363

Bib PMID- 459061 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 19790925 LR - 20181130 IS - 0098-7484 (Print) IS - 0098-7484 (Linking) VI - 242 IP - 8 DP - 1979 Aug 24-31 TI - The risk and cost of coronary angiography. I. Cost of coronary angiography in Washington State. PG - 731-4 AB - The National Guidelines for Health Planning require 300 cardiac studies per year in cardiac catheterization laboratories for adequate economic use and safety. To study how these guidelines would affect existing laboratories, data were collected on the cost of coronary angiography and use of all cardiac catheterization laboratories in Washington. The average cost of coronary angiography was $1,363, with the total cost affected by the duration of hospital stay, cardiac laboratory charges, and professional fees. Total angiographic use ranged from 293 to 791 studies per room, but eight laboratories did not perform 300 cardiac studies during 1977. Health planners recommend high use rates based on the theory that there is an inverse correlation between the number of studies and cost. In this study, the regression equation showed no fall in charges with increased number of studies. Therefore, while it may be reasonable from an economic point of view to expect 300 angiographic cases per year in existing laboratories, there is no economic justification for requiring a certain number of cardiac studies per year. FAU - Hansing, C E AU - Hansing CE LA - eng PT - Journal Article PL - United States TA - JAMA JT - JAMA JID - 7501160 SB - AIM SB - IM MH - Angiography/economics/statistics & numerical data MH - Cardiac Catheterization/economics/statistics & numerical data MH - Cardiac Surgical Procedures MH - Coronary Angiography MH - Costs and Cost Analysis MH - Economics, Hospital MH - Fees and Charges MH - Hospital Planning MH - Humans MH - Washington EDAT- 1979/08/24 00:00 MHDA- 1979/08/24 00:01 CRDT- 1979/08/24 00:00 PHST- 1979/08/24 00:00 [pubmed] PHST- 1979/08/24 00:01 [medline] PHST- 1979/08/24 00:00 [entrez] PST - ppublish SO - JAMA. 1979 Aug 24-31;242(8):731-4.