Noctifer-de-Mortem / nocts_cata_mod

Expansion mod for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
The Unlicense
137 stars 38 forks source link

There are too many mandatory overmap specials (356 > 144). Some of them may not be placed. #623

Closed waveyl closed 5 months ago

chaosvolt commented 5 months ago

Got a PR link to what might've screwed this up? Last I checked, Arcana and Cata++ use unique specials with below 100% spawn rate, which are supposed to not count against the special limit.

Actually uh, what the fuck? 356 specials? Arcana only has a total of FIVE specials places at game start and Cata++ has ten unique special (again, all with below 100% occurrence rate), something is absolutely wrong as hell with DDA and it's not either of the mods, double-check this in vanilla.

chaosvolt commented 5 months ago

Oh wait, I see the cause. changed the flag around so all overmap specials with just UNIQUE are now mandating giant amounts of specials.