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Dynamic client-side PDF generation #11

Closed betacar closed 7 years ago

betacar commented 8 years ago

I want to talk about uBiome's use case of dynamic client-side PDF generation (our in-house reports microservice): reasons, approach taken, tools, challenges, pros and cons, and benefits for stakeholders.

The resources needed would be a video-beam or projector where I can show the slides, and internet connection.

fforres commented 8 years ago

Hey @betacar! How about next month? :smile_cat:

We already have our 2 keynote speakers for this Meetup, but we'd love to schedule for the next one. (We are looking for lightning talks though)

betacar commented 8 years ago

@fforres I believe this can fit as a lighting talk.

Xabadu commented 8 years ago

@betacar awesome!, let's do it then. Do you need anything from us?

fforres commented 8 years ago

Awesome! Lightning next week then :+1:

betacar commented 8 years ago

@fforres @Xabadu Lighting talk will be!

How much time should be? I'll only need a projector.

Maybe a Jet, and a Llama, and a Jet for my Llama. But that's optional. :P

Xabadu commented 8 years ago

One Llama on the way! See you thursday!

Xabadu commented 8 years ago

@betacar can you provide us a link to your slides so we can add them to the repo please? Thanks!