Noesis / Managed

NoesisGUI Managed SDK
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Texture is abstract #7

Closed aienabled closed 2 years ago

aienabled commented 2 years ago

Hi guys, there is a problem with 3.1.1 (or maybe even 3.1.0 as I've not tried it):

The Texture class is abstract:

I guess the code above should be changed to new NativeTexture(...).


aienabled commented 2 years ago

And there is another issue:

System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'Noesis_WrapD3D11Texture' in DLL 'Noesis'.
   at Noesis.Texture.Noesis_WrapD3D11Texture(IntPtr nativePointer, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 numMipMaps, Boolean isInverted)

Apparently, there is only Noesis_WrapTexture function available now in Noesis.dll (I'm using runtimes\win-x64\native\Noesis.dll as usual).


s-fernandez-v commented 2 years ago

That TextureExtend.cs file should have been removed from the repository when upgrading to 3.1.0, it was replaced by Noesis/Core/Src/Core/Texture.cs

I'm going to fix it now, thanks for reporting it.

aienabled commented 2 years ago

I see. how do I wrap a D3D11 texture to NoesisGUI texture object now?

s-fernandez-v commented 2 years ago

Wrap code is moved to specific RenderDevice implementation:

aienabled commented 2 years ago

Thank you, Sergio! I was not aware of this change by reading the release notes. It works now.
