Noitidart / Chrome-Store-Foxified

Point and click to install extensions into your browser from the AMO, Chrome Web Store, Microsoft Store, or Opera Addons websites.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
363 stars 54 forks source link

Latest release not installing anymore #162

Open Adzetko opened 1 year ago

Adzetko commented 1 year ago

I just tried downloading the latest xpi file from the release tab, but Firefox 114 refused to install it, saying it seemed corrupted.

As the last release date is from 2016, I suppose this is a dead project and should be archived, am I right?

slendertech commented 1 year ago

Hello, Adzetko. Chrome Store Foxified was discontinued back in 2019 due to personal life choices made by the developer. The only current way to install this extension is through Pale Moon or Basilik. Even still, the extension refuses to fetch Chrome extension data, reporting that it couldn't communicate with webstore servers. I'm assuming this is due to server changes made by google involving the Chrome Web Store backend. Sadly, after all these years, no one has made a working fork.

Roki100 commented 11 months ago

Your best bet is to use waterfox i guess, its probably the only firefox you'll have nice experience with chrome extensions