Noitidart / Chrome-Store-Foxified

Point and click to install extensions into your browser from the AMO, Chrome Web Store, Microsoft Store, or Opera Addons websites.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
362 stars 54 forks source link

Rename Chrome Store Foxified #71

Open PatrickGuthridge opened 6 years ago

PatrickGuthridge commented 6 years ago

The description on GitHub suggests that the add-on can download and install extensions from stores other than Chrome (ie. Edge and Opera). Would you consider renaming the extension to accommodate these other browsers? For example, a name like "Get cross-browser extensions", "cross-browser extension installer", etc.

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

Hey @QWERTYUIOPYOZO thanks for this idea. Yep I wanted to create a cross browser version, but didn't get around to that yet. Would love any help on brainstorming a new idea. The gist of the name is "Other Addon Stores My Browserified" but we need to get something more name-like rather then sentence-like :)

Currently I only target Google Chrome store for Firefox but would hope to get more.

PatrickGuthridge commented 6 years ago

If I can do anything to help out, please let me know! I am fairly new to WebExtensions myself too, but I'm (re)learning quickly!

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

Thank you sir for offering! :) Graphics help would be awesome! And UI/UX work for how the addon should work would be even awesomer! Also I was thinking of trying to get some open source moneitization out of this to support development, I have no idea how to do that, I was thinking of every 30 days ask users for a 1$ optional, and they can disable this. Any ideas on how to do this without bothering users would be awesome too!

PatrickGuthridge commented 6 years ago

If the file extension is changed from .nex to .xpi, Opera extensions can be directly installed through about:debugging. 👍

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

Oh wow super cool thanks for that note! Excuse my delay I'm so swamped by work even working on weekends right now. :(

PatrickGuthridge commented 6 years ago

Maybe now is a good time to bring up this issue again.

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

I havent got any ideas yet :(

Need one that can apply to chrome/opera/edge too. :)

hermansje commented 6 years ago

Universal WebExtensions Installer?

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

That's a cool name @hermansje thanks! I think we can build on the "Universal" thing, the word "WebExtensions" is actually getting deprecated by Firefox itself so we should probably also not take that up. Maybe even Universal Extension Installer. Or Extension Store Universalizer. Awesome brainstorming thanks for joining in.

Croydon commented 6 years ago

👍 for Universal Extension Installer

PatrickGuthridge commented 6 years ago

Universal extension downloader?