Noitidart / MouseControl

ff-addon: Enables user-defined "natural mouse combinations" to trigger customizable functions.
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Allow tilting scroll wheel to activate code #14

Open sleek22 opened 7 years ago

sleek22 commented 7 years ago

There was a recent comment from a user who wrote:

"Would be great to add such actions as "Close tabs to the right" (right mouse button down + tilting mouse wheel to the right."

I think the user was referring to tilting the mouse wheel. I have a wireless Logitech mouse and the scroll wheel can be tilted right and left for additional commands.

Can these also be incorporated into MouseControl?

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Hey there! That's interesting, in the recording area when you tilt your mouse left or right it isnt registering?

It does for me as WH_RT and WH_LT as seen in my screencast here -

sleek22 commented 7 years ago

Now I just feel stupid. I had assumed that you hadn't implemented that feature into MouseControl because I didn't see it in the default about:mousecontrol page.

I use a Logitech Wireless Mouse with SetPoint software. I had to fight with it a bit but when I allowed the tilt feature to be associated with "Back" and "Forward", they began to register in MouseControl as B4_CK and B5_CK. (Some of your users might find that helpful as that was the only way they would pass through to MouseControl that I found).

I now use them to Focus Next/Previous Tab and it is working great.

Thank you for help.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing that feedback! Logitech must be not using the standard by default. B4 and B5 are usually their seperate buttons. I use a microsfot ergo sculpt which has 5 buttons, but their 5th button by default is set as "Right Win Key".

If you have some time, may you please do some research and see if you can get your mouse tilts to give you WH_LT and WH_RT?

sleek22 commented 7 years ago

I've tried everything I can and that's all that works. (See below where I turn Logitech SetPoint off).

SetPoint has options like: Left Scroll, Right Scroll, Back, Forward, Cruise Up, Cruise Down, Keystroke Assignment, and Other.

"Keystroke Assignment" is for shortcuts.

"Other" lists about 20 things like Minimize, etc. I tried a few with names like "Do Nothing", "Generic", "Unassigned, etc., in the hopes it would just pass them through to MouseControl but nothing happens.

Now when I close SetPoint, I'm getting WH_LT, WH_RT, WH_DN, WH_UP.

It appears that SetPoint either wants to use tilt or will not allow tilt to pass through. As I've noted above, asking it to "Do Nothing", "Generic", or "Unassigned" didn't do anything.

In my particular case, "Back" and "Forward" will work and I have to keep running Logitech SetPoint software. One of its handiest features is the ability to have buttons do application specific things: The same thing does one thing in Firefox, something else in Adobe PDF, something else in my video player, etc.

"but when X-Mouse and SetPoint work together, SetPoint intercepts wheel tilt, forward and backward button clicks so X-Mouse cannot handle ..."

For some reason, the link it leads to in Logitech doesn't connect and Logitech search is not working right now...but there's the operative phrase "SetPoint intercepts wheel tilt".