Noitidart / MouseControl

ff-addon: Enables user-defined "natural mouse combinations" to trigger customizable functions.
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Default action "Remove Element" not working #17

Open vijfde opened 7 years ago

vijfde commented 7 years ago

The default action "Remove Element" has stopped working for quite some time now. I can't get it to work with any combination :/ Any cause / solution for this, or is it just me?

Firefox and MouseControl are up to date.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Thanks @vijfde for being a user! I have an issue with remove element. I have to fix that code. But its not just you! To fix it you can disable the addon and renable it, i know its a horrible fix. I am working on a webextension verison, v3. So all my time is going there :(

vijfde commented 7 years ago

I can easily continue using your add-on, so I'm a happy user, thank you very much for the fix! Good luck with the further development.

By the way: I don't know if it's a threat for you, but this is gonna come as a pain in the arse for me :/ (as a user, don't know anything specific about what is told there)

Let me know if you want this issue closed or if you want to wait for a permanent fix.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Thanks so much @vijfde ! Let's please keep this open till the fix.

Yeah that announcement affects :( The same reasons that drove him out of business threaten me too but I am using native messaging to handle it. Its a big hurdle because of requiring installers :(