Noitidart / MouseControl

ff-addon: Enables user-defined "natural mouse combinations" to trigger customizable functions.
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Would it be possible to make zooming context-sensitive? Also, an apparent bug #18

Open Lola-Lilypistol opened 7 years ago

Lola-Lilypistol commented 7 years ago

Hi! First, I really adore the addon. It's a truly lovely replacement for one of my most cherished (but now defunct) addons.

So, before I installed MouseControl, I used the addon ImageZoom, which allowed me to enlarge images by holding down RMB and scrolling down on the wheel. Obviously, this conflicts with the default scroll through tabs function on MouseControl, so I disabled ImageZoom's mouse trigger. In my copy of MouseControl, for some reason recording mouse combinations doesn't quite work properly (for instance: I'll try to record hold down middle-click + click RMB and it will momentarily show the former, but as soon as I hit the latter, only that one is recorded) so I'm unable to reassign the scrolling through tabs function to a feasible alternative.

I was wondering whether it would be possible to either make it so that when using the zoom page function on an image, only the image gets bigger; or make it so that that when using the scroll through tabs function on an image it does the same.

Thank you so much for this addon & thank you equally for reading.

PS. Apologies if I am asking something impossible or simply too much of a pain in the ass. I know my way around a computer but don't know the first thing about programming.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Thank you @Lola-Lilypistol for your awesome comments!

This feature is possible. It would just have to be coded. I currently am too busy to do this but I have plans to rewrite this addon so it works in the future with WebExtension system.

However this is how someone can add this feature. Look into the ImageZoom addons code and see how they do it. Then paste that into a custom function in exec (probably) in MouseControl.

I will keep you updated though. MouseControl is won an award back in 2011 and was my first real entry into the public addons world. I definitely do want to come back and update this. :)

Thanks for being a user!