Noitidart / MouseControl

ff-addon: Enables user-defined "natural mouse combinations" to trigger customizable functions.
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MouseControl does not pass through unused gestures (underlapping/overlapping gestures with other addons/software) #7

Closed sleek22 closed 7 years ago

sleek22 commented 7 years ago

I've just been playing around with your MouseControl add-on and it has great potential. Unfortunately, it suffers from one glaring problem. It does not pass through gestures that it doesn't use.

I currently use FireGestures and I have a Rocker Gesture that sends a certain key combination.

I also use an AutoIt script that uses another Rocker Gesture that clicks on buttons, sends keystrokes, etc.

I thought I could use your add-on in combination with these other two but it is not allowing unused Rocker Gestures to pass through.

Still, a very interesting add-on. Perhaps you could have it so that if nothing is triggered, it can pass these gestures along so other add-ons/programs can use them.

Thank you.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Thanks very much Ahmed for your feedback! Are you using v2.0? Or a v1.x?

v1.x is very old tech, I'm surprised it works.

v2.0 is using modern tech. But it hooks in very low level, at the platform level. If you have an overlapping gesture, it won't allow the overlaps to work. :(

The only way for MouseControl to co-exist is to use MouseControl for all rocker gestures, and FireGestures for the drag/draw stuff.

I can help create and customize functions via the options panel if you want to try this. Here is an example how to send Paste -

    __exec__: function() {
        var window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);
        var key = char => String.charCodeAt(char);

        var utils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
        utils.sendKeyEvent('keydown', key('V'), key('V'), Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_CONTROL);
        utils.sendKeyEvent('keyup', key('V'), key('V'), Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_CONTROL);
        utils.sendKeyEvent('keypress', key('V'), key('V'), Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_CONTROL);

        window.alert('ok pasted');

Here is a youtube video showing how I used it -

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Apparently we don't need the keydown and keyup so the above code can be simplified to this:

    __exec__: function() {
        var window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);
        var utils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);

        var key = char => String.charCodeAt(char);
        var sendChar = (char, mods) => utils.sendKeyEvent('keypress', key(char), key(char), mods || 0);
        var sendStr = str =>, str, char=>sendChar(char))

        sendChar('v', Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_CONTROL);

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

I couldn't help myself, here is a "Bookmark and Close Current Tab" using send keys method :)

    __exec__: function() {
        var window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);
        var utils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);

        var key = char => String.charCodeAt(char);
        var sendChar = (char, mods) => utils.sendKeyEvent('keypress', key(char), key(char), mods || 0);
        var sendStr = str =>, str, char=>sendChar(char))

        sendChar('d', Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_CONTROL);
        sendChar('w', Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_CONTROL);

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Here is Toggle Bookmark in Toolbar. If the current tab is not bookmarked, it bookmarks it. If it is already bookmarked, it removes the bookmark. The target is the bookmark toolbar.

    __exec__() {
        // var FOLDER_NAME_ = 'Bollywood Movies'; // set to string, name of folder you want bookmark placed in, if it exists, it adds there, if it doesnt exist, it is created

        var COMMONJS_URI = 'resource://gre/modules/commonjs';
        var { require } = Cu.import(COMMONJS_URI + '/toolkit/require.js', {});
        var { Bookmark, Group, save, remove, search, [TOP_LEVEL_GROUP_NAME]:top_level_group } = require('sdk/places/bookmarks');

        var win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
        var title = win.gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute('label');
        var url = win.gBrowser.currentURI.spec;

        // test is it bookmarked
            .on('end', function(results) {
                var filtered = results.filter(el => el.url == url);
                if (filtered.length) {
                    // IT IS BOOKMARKED
                    save(remove(filtered)).on('end', ()=>console.log('removed'));
                } else {
                    // IT IS NOT BOOKMARKED so bookmark it
                    save(Bookmark({ title, url, group:top_level_group })).on('end', ()=>console.log('saved'));
Noitidart commented 7 years ago

I'll work on folder selection right now.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Here is Unbookmark if necessary, then close tab

    __exec__() {
        // var FOLDER_NAME_ = 'Bollywood Movies'; // set to string, name of folder you want bookmark placed in, if it exists, it adds there, if it doesnt exist, it is created

        var COMMONJS_URI = 'resource://gre/modules/commonjs';
        var { require } = Cu.import(COMMONJS_URI + '/toolkit/require.js', {});
        var { Bookmark, Group, save, remove, search, [TOP_LEVEL_GROUP_NAME]:top_level_group } = require('sdk/places/bookmarks');

        var win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
        var title = win.gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute('label');
        var url = win.gBrowser.currentURI.spec;

        var closeTabOrWin = () => win.BrowserCloseTabOrWindow();

        // test is it bookmarked
            .on('end', function(results) {
                var filtered = results.filter(el => el.url == url);
                if (filtered.length) {
                    // IT IS BOOKMARKED so remove it then close tab
                    save(remove(filtered)).on('end', ()=>console.log('removed', closeTabOrWin()));
                } else {
                    // IT IS NOT BOOKMARKED so just close tab
sleek22 commented 7 years ago

Thank you Noitidart, that last code worked perfectly!

Now I can go and explore all the other options with your add-on.

Thank you again for the quick response and all the help with the coding.

I really appreciate it.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

My pleasure! If you need anything let me know. MouseControl is very flexible :)

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Hi @sleek22 is it ok to close this? As the conclusion is, because MouseControl hooks it at the very low level, it cannot co-exist with other addons if a gesture/mouse-combo overlaps.

sleek22 commented 7 years ago

Yes, you can close it.

I'm letting MouseControl handle all rocker gestures now. It's much more versatile.

Thank you again.

Noitidart commented 7 years ago

Very cool thank you @sleek22 ! :)