Noitidart / Profilist

ff-addon: Profile manager for Australis
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Tie a profile to a specific build. #15

Open jeffgca opened 10 years ago

jeffgca commented 10 years ago

I'd like to always be able to launch my 'Nightly' profile with /Applications/ is this possible?

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hey canuck man!!

This is a feature I plan to bring soon. It's the ability to pick a "default" profile in v1.3. This is a feature allowed by the profile manager, it's called setting a default profile.

So for now though you can open up profile manager and tell it to start with that profile or you can open up your profiles.ini (%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini on windows) and move the Default=1 from below whatever it is at to your target profile. :)

Marked as enhancement.

edit: oh wait, you only want to change the default profile of a specific build only? Profilist runs off profiles.ini so this isn't doable. :( I can make you a custom version though I have a final coming up on Monday after that I'll hook this up, doesn't sound hard. :)

edit edit: actually canuck man i think it might be hard for me to programatically override the default of profiles.ini but its an interesting thing i will investigate aside from profilist. because i would have to tap the browser before it starts loading a profile so i'm thinking nsICategoryManager and observer of xpcom-startup or app-startup

what i would recommend is right clicking on your nightly icon and changing it to this: firefox.exe -profile \Applications\\ (need to use the full path there) then your nightly will always launch into that profile.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hey man did that -profile command line method work out to what you wanted? :)

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hey @canuckistani I removed the "enhancement" label for now. I'll keep this open till I can help you accomplish what you want though.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hey man I totally understand your issue now. I'm putting back "enhancment" tag on this as I hope to land it in a future version. It's a very smart idea you had. I just have to launch it from the firefox.exe of the nightly or aurora or beta/normal

For now though I'll have it on a seperate branch. This is what I was thinking for design:

this is what it looks like from beta/normal, it has options of nighlty and aurora as they are installed mockup toggle options

so on hover it shows those set of buttons. the aurora one is toggled on (colors up) so when launched from click on regular label it willl startup in aurora.

green bullet means its the selected default profile thats vis even on non-hover. the gray bullet means you can toggle it to be the default profile, if done then the green one fades out and makes the clicked on one green. the plug is to launch it in safe safe mode (non-toggle button, just click and launch). pencil to edit. minus to delete profile.

what do you think? is it too cluttered?

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ok im still brainstorming and I figured im going to add a preference claled "Enable Dev Mode" which adds the safe mode icon and it will not add two globes just one globe (which can be changed to the bulid to tie it to).

So this depends on two issues: Add Preferences - Add Mini Icon Overlays -

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

This one is high priority for me, working on it right now. Its looking beautiful if you want to sample install addon from this branch:

as of right now, clicking does nothing, its just the new gui and options panel.

right now the thing that im tripping up on is allowing users to use custom mini icons per build. if a user changes build1.png im having trouble the css is not updating. im filing a bugzilla topic with a test case right now

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Bugzilla topic: StackOverflow topic:

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Note to self, side effect, if user half smart, can change base icon, will probably do on accident

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Hey @canuckistani I finally am nearing beta release. Windows implementation complete just working on quirks. Then I'll add in OSX and Linux. But here's the Windows demo what a brilliant idea to tie profiles to a build! What took awhile is because there were so many non standard channels out there I wanted to add iconing ability to help differentiate builds/channels so I got that done earlier this year and then got to implementing it :) Youtube :: Profilist v2.0 Demo (demo is as of commit 1.2.rev219)

jeffgca commented 9 years ago

@Noitidart oh man, that looks sweet! I'm not on windows, but once OS X is supported I'll finally be able to kill all of my crappy applescript launchers. :)

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the idea @canuckistani :) Was it kind of like you had imagined? :)

Mac support is already thought out and tested. Will implement as soon as I wrap up the Windows stuff :)

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Also can you please outline how you make the applescript launchers, I'm writing a small addon (which is just an about: page) which enables quick shortcut creation on Linux and Mac, as its not as easy as it is on Windows.

Do you follow this tutorial to make the applescript launchers: mozillaZine :: Asa Dotzler: Firefox and more: shortcut to launch a specific firefox profile on mac? In here he seems to be saving them as app bundles rather then apple scripts so I just was wondering if there was an applescript way.

jeffgca commented 9 years ago

Here's the blog post from a few years ago. This is the code I currently use:

do shell script "/Applications/ -P Nightly &> /dev/null &"
delay 2
tell application "System Events" to keystroke tab using {command down, shift down}
delay 0.5
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "j" using {command down, shift down}
delay 0.5
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "`" using {command down}
Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Awesome thanks man!

Noitidart commented 8 years ago

Hey @canuckistani I haven't had time to focus on Profilist as it's pretty intricate, I have to sit down for days and think things through as touching something here affects something there.

But I wrote up Deskcuts addon which can help creating those OS X shortcuts:

Noitidart commented 8 years ago

Hey @canuckistani here we are finally -

Mac has an issue in that profiles launched will fail the update mechansim. So it's in beta for now. I have to land a patch on Firefox. The reason is, the Profilist launching mechansim uses an app bundle symlinked to the target build, and Firefox on Mac is not reading through the symlink. It works fine on Windows and Linux (well i only tested on Ubuntu so far)