Noitidart / Profilist

ff-addon: Profile manager for Australis
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Add ability to enter a name for new profiles #17

Closed Keith94 closed 9 years ago

Keith94 commented 10 years ago

When creating a new profile, it would be better for organizational purposes if we could give the profile a custom name first. Like how Firefox's Create Profile Wizard has this ability.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hey man thanks for this post. This subject's been a huge debate. The reason we want this is because if we are allowed to pick the name first it renames the folder right?

I've been doing research and trying to figure out how to make it safe to rename the folder on profile rename. So that's the debate, folder rename or initial allow name.

Keith94 commented 10 years ago

I just thought if we could at least enter a name when creating it would be easier to keep track of profiles inside the menu panel, so I won't have any unnamed profiles that I forget why I created in the first place. But, I could always rename them after they're created instead.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ah ok, this is what i'm thinking. The reason i wanted to launch profile right away was for speed. So I'm thinking what I'll do is, once click on "Create New Profile" it starts launching the profile in the background but the current window with profilist open stays on top and it morphs "Create New Profile" into an editable field. And user can edit name there while the profile is launching. What do you think?

Keith94 commented 10 years ago

Yeah it seems like a viable method, you should do that.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Cool man. So I thought more and you're right its a good idea. So I'm thinking lets to do this:

  1. User clicks "Create New Profile"
  2. Do the following
    • Create profile process starts (which automatically launches the new profile as soon as creation is done, but make it launch to background)
    • and at same time "Create New Profile" is morphed into edit field
  3. If user does not start to edit the field, which is the name for the new profile
    • if the launch has happend and is in background, then bring it to foreground if the user has not edited the field for 5 seconds
    • if the luanch has not yet happend but is in progress (obviously) then still leave the panel open
  4. If the user started editing
    • before launch happens then keep it in background till user presses enter or escape or loss of focus to accept/cancel the naming of the profile. then bring launch to foreground
    • after the launch as happend, they have 5 seconds to start typing, if they dont the launch is brought to foreground. if they did start typing then it waits for enter or cancel or loss of focus
Keith94 commented 10 years ago

The five second rule doesn't seem too necessary, but besides that I'll agree with you.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

What if the users computer is real fast and the browser launches right away? Then the user doens't have time to edit at all :( They have to go through the "Unnamed Profile #" rename method. I'm open to ideas I'm not a fan of 5 seconds, as I wanted the browser to be put in use as soon as its open haha

Keith94 commented 10 years ago

I suppose it works then.

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Oh man I thought this through and my gosh it was so simple. What you want is: When click "Create New Profile" it morphs into a textbox so you can enter a name and hit enter and it will then get added to the profiles list IT WILL NOT launch the profile. I don't know why I just thought creating new profile meant it should launch right away.

This is what you would like to see right?

I think I'll create an option for Launch profile with default name "Unnamed Profile #" on "Create New Profile" and see if I get hook it up with telemetry to see how people are using it. I'll set default launch and see how many people revert to no launch. What do you think? Or should I set default to no launch, and see how many people hook it up to launch?

Keith94 commented 9 years ago

This is what you would like to see right?

Yes, I think have no launch as the new default IMO.