Noitidart / Profilist

ff-addon: Profile manager for Australis
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Password protected profile #30

Open spanakop opened 9 years ago

spanakop commented 9 years ago

I help to manage a school so any way to manage the laptops remotely is a great help. Having the ability to create a new profile that my school uses is brilliant, because I can manage the settings, bookmarks and add-ons, likewise, being able to see my own stuff on the school browsers is very handy sometimes for my own bookmarks and add-ons.

Rather than delete and re-create my profile, is there a way to password protect a profile so it can't be activated by another user?

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Thank you @spanakop for your topic! I actually started some initial work on this just last month and it is absolutely possible. I started brain storming some names over here, what do you think would be a good addon name? Any of your own ideas would be totally welcome:

These are the related articles in my research to create this addon:

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Thanks to a friend from IRC (@Archaeopteryx) he found this addon:

I didn't get a chance to check this addon out, it may be defeated by starting in safe mode. In the version we develop next we should keep that in mind.

spanakop commented 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for getting back to me. Good to know you were already looking into this.

Looking at the names you have already, I like ProfiLock

Will this be a separate add-in or part of the existing profile manager app you have?

Noitidart commented 9 years ago

Seperate addon as it is very different at least on the inner workings. :)