Noitidart / Profilist

ff-addon: Profile manager for Australis
34 stars 1 forks source link

Not appearing in panel when "Sync" button is removed/hidden #4

Closed JohannCR closed 10 years ago

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

Hi, Doesn't work for me. I don't have any new section to access my profiles in the panel-based new menu. No "Loading profiles" either. Firefox 29.0 on Win7

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hi Johann thanks for the report. Can you please help me by giving me the following info:

  1. Please install addon GitHub Extension Installer
  2. Install DevPrefs addon
  3. Open Browser Console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J
  4. Press clear
  5. Then go to the Profilist Repository then click on "Add to Firefox". This will install the addon and will populate the Browser Console with debug messages
  6. Please copy all the messages from the Browser Console and paste here
  7. Please also copy paste here the contents of the Profiles.ini file
    • Can access this by going to Start > Run > Typing "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini" (without quotes)
JohannCR commented 10 years ago


FYI, on a new fresh profile it works. But it doesn't on my default profile (I tried deactivating all addons too).

Here is the debug : GET [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 545ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 786ms] LOG addons.xpi: Starting install of file:///C:/Users/Johann/AppData/Local/Temp/githubextensioninstaller.xpi LOG addons.xpi: Addon Profilist@jetpack will be installed as a packed xpi LOG addons.xpi-utils: Make addon app-profile:Profilist@jetpack visible LOG DeferredSave/extensions.json: Save changes LOG addons.xpi: Loading bootstrap scope from C:\Users\Johann\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\9h63g3dg.default\extensions\Profilist@jetpack.xpi LOG addons.xpi: Calling bootstrap method install on Profilist@jetpack version 1.0 LOG DeferredSave/extensions.json: Starting timer LOG addons.xpi: Install of file:///C:/Users/Johann/AppData/Local/Temp/githubextensioninstaller.xpi completed. "in startup" bootstrap.js:1591 "aData" {id: "Profilist@jetpack", version: "1.0", installPath: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper, resourceURI: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper} bootstrap.js:1593 "aDOMWindow.gNavToolbox" XULElement {toolbarset: XULElement, palette: XULElement, customToolbarCount: 0, externalToolbars: Array[0], className: "", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: ""} bootstrap.js:1484 1398872230857 WARN Add-on type without field: dictionary

LOG addons.xpi: Registering manifest for C:\Users\Johann\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\9h63g3dg.default\extensions\Profilist@jetpack.xpi LOG addons.xpi: Calling bootstrap method startup on Profilist@jetpack version 1.0 Sélecteur attendu. Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. main.css:90 LOG addons.xpi: removeTemporaryFile: file:///C:/Users/Johann/AppData/Local/Temp/githubextensioninstaller.xpi does not own temp file LOG DeferredSave/extensions.json: Starting write LOG DeferredSave/extensions.json: Write succeeded POST [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 231ms]

And the profiles.ini (lots of profiles, yeah I know^^) : [General] StartWithLastProfile=0

[Profile0] Name=default IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/9h63g3dg.default

[Profile1] Name=GoogleBot IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/0qb99cqw.GoogleBot

[Profile2] Name=Oliv GG IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/a8bmd232.Oliv GG

[Profile3] Name=Rapide IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/68bvqoft.Rapide

[Profile4] Name=Adw @ IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/u8h5771f.Adw @

[Profile5] Name=Adw LNA IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/8bpiuy4q.Adw LNA

[Profile6] Name=onglets IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/v01jtsam.onglets

[Profile7] Name=Adw GED IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/x3v7kqbg.Adw GED

[Profile8] Name=Adwords MCC IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/cqjl2k9m.Adwords MCC

[Profile9] Name=ProduitsNaturels IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/ygqij0ck.ProduitsNaturels

[Profile10] Name=Divers IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers

[Profile11] Name=Uptivize IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize

[Profile12] Name=Agenda IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda

[Profile13] Name=Test IsRelative=1 Path=Profiles/tdboeavo.Test Default=1

Thanks ! Can't wait to use profilist, I couldn't live without it ! ^^

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Thank you Johann! :) I'll do my best to get it to you as soon as possible. :) Let's shoot for within 14 hours please.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hey Johann I need some more info please. After installing the addon, can you please clear the browser console, then click on the panel menu button to open the panel, and then paste then share what is in browser console.

Thanks man

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

Here you go : "jsonStack was just changed so have to do full dom update" bootstrap.js:960 "in json arr = " 0 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/tdboeavo.Test"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Test" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 1 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Agenda" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 2 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Uptivize" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 3 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Divers" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 4 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/ygqij0ck.ProduitsNaturels"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "ProduitsNaturels" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 5 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/cqjl2k9m.Adwords MCC"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Adwords MCC" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 6 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/x3v7kqbg.Adw GED"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Adw GED" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 7 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/v01jtsam.onglets"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "onglets" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 8 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/8bpiuy4q.Adw LNA"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Adw LNA" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 9 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/u8h5771f.Adw @"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Adw @" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 10 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/68bvqoft.Rapide"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Rapide" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 11 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/a8bmd232.Oliv GG"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Oliv GG" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 12 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/0qb99cqw.GoogleBot"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "GoogleBot" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 13 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[label="Create New Profile"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "Create New Profile" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1045 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist create", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "in json arr = " 14 bootstrap.js:973 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/9h63g3dg.default"]" bootstrap.js:977 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:979 "el created" bootstrap.js:987 "elClosure label" "default" bootstrap.js:1001 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1032 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1038 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1039 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1041 "set el top to 0" bootstrap.js:1048 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1057 "collapsedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1082 "expandedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1083 "checking if label of Create New Profile is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of GoogleBot is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Oliv GG is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Rapide is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Adw @ is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Adw LNA is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of onglets is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Adw GED is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Adwords MCC is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of ProduitsNaturels is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Divers is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Uptivize is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Agenda is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Test is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "checking if label of Loading Profiles... is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "this profile is not in ini so remove it" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1089 "checking if label of default is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1087 "json=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 5 de plus…] bootstrap.js:1103 "PUIcs_scrollsVis = " true bootstrap.js:1403 "panel height no expanded = 478 footer height with profilist box expanded = NaN" bootstrap.js:1422 "no need for adjust" bootstrap.js:1438 "expandedheight on expand = 0" bootstrap.js:1442 "setting stack height to expandedheight which = 0" bootstrap.js:1443 "setting stack height to collapsedheight which = 0" bootstrap.js:1477 "collapsed height on collapse == " "stack.boxObject.height = " 24 " = " "0px" bootstrap.js:1479 "PUIcs_scrollsVis = " true bootstrap.js:1403 "panel height no expanded = 478 footer height with profilist box expanded = NaN" bootstrap.js:1422 "no need for adjust" bootstrap.js:1438 "expandedheight on expand = 0" bootstrap.js:1442 "setting stack height to expandedheight which = 0" bootstrap.js:1443 "setting stack height to collapsedheight which = 0" bootstrap.js:1477 "collapsed height on collapse == " "stack.boxObject.height = " 24 " = " "0px" bootstrap.js:1479

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Superb! Thank you man!

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

Also I forgot to mention it and it could be important, I don't have the sync menu either on that profile : menu

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ah yikes this one's nasty, that helps a lot!

yajd commented 10 years ago

Hi Johann man, I need some more info please. This is noit from my other account btw.

please go to this Profilist commit 1.0.rev35:

Please open browser console and clear messages. Then install that patch repo and then open menu and then paste here the browser console messages please. Please do not mouse over the footer area, where the sync button is covered up and where profilist should go, it will put extra messages in there and cut off the beginning messages.

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

Here you go. Sorry for the delay I wasn't at my post yesterday^^

GET [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 693ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 899ms] Duplicate resource declaration for 'specialpowers' ignored. chrome.manifest:32 Duplicate resource declaration for 'gre-resources' ignored. chrome.manifest:33 Duplicate resource declaration for 'services-sync' ignored. components.manifest:162 Duplicate resource declaration for 'services-common' ignored. components.manifest:164 Duplicate resource declaration for 'services-crypto' ignored. components.manifest:165 Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/chrome.manifest'. Duplicate resource declaration for 'pdf.js' ignored. pdfjs.manifest:1 Duplicate resource declaration for 'pdf.js.components' ignored. pdfjs.manifest:2 Duplicate resource declaration for 'xnotifier' ignored. chrome.manifest:105 Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/browser/extensions/%7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D/chrome.manifest'. 1399019039749 WARN Add-on type without field: dictionary

Sélecteur attendu. Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. main.css:90 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/v01jtsam.onglets" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "6", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/x3v7kqbg.Adw GED" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/x3v7kqbg.Adw GED" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "7", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/cqjl2k9m.Adwords MCC" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/cqjl2k9m.Adwords MCC" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "8", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/ygqij0ck.ProduitsNaturels" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/ygqij0ck.ProduitsNaturels" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "9", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "updatngMenuDOM on this window == " "aDOMWindow = " ChromeWindow {0: ChromeWindow, 1: Window → about:blank, 2: ChromeWindow, 3: Window → about:blank, 4: Window → about:blank, 5: Window → about:blank, 6: Window → web, 7: Window → structured-data, 8: Window → synthese, 9: Window → mysites, 1123 de plus…} bootstrap.js:859 "jsonStack was just changed so have to do full dom update" bootstrap.js:987 "in json arr = " 0 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/tdboeavo.Test"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Test" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 1 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Agenda" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 2 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Uptivize" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 3 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Divers" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 4 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/ygqij0ck.ProduitsNaturels"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "ProduitsNaturels" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 5 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/cqjl2k9m.Adwords MCC"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adwords MCC" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 6 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/x3v7kqbg.Adw GED"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw GED" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 7 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/v01jtsam.onglets"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "onglets" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 8 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/8bpiuy4q.Adw LNA"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw LNA" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 9 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/u8h5771f.Adw @"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw @" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 10 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/68bvqoft.Rapide"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Rapide" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 11 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/a8bmd232.Oliv GG"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Oliv GG" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 12 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/0qb99cqw.GoogleBot"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "GoogleBot" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 13 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[label="Create New Profile"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Create New Profile" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist create", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 14 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/9h63g3dg.default"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "default" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to 0" bootstrap.js:1075 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "collapsedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1109 "expandedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1110 "checking if label of Create New Profile is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of GoogleBot is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Oliv GG is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Rapide is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw @ is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw LNA is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of onglets is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw GED is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adwords MCC is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of ProduitsNaturels is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Divers is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Uptivize is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Agenda is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Test is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Loading Profiles... is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "this profile is not in ini so remove it" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1116 "checking if label of default is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "json=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 5 de plus…] bootstrap.js:1130

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

I just saw that there's french in there... If you need a translation don't hesitate to ask.

Also another info, I don't know if it matters or not but since it's my default profile, I got a ginormous number of tabs open... hope it doesn't cumber the console messages. I also tried in another window with no tabs just to be sure, it's the same.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ah thanks man I was waiting eagerly for this as I couldn't replicate your situation. I'll read over it and get back to you in a sec.

edit: did you mouse over the footer area in the panel? it looks like its got some messages that happens when a user hovers over the button.

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

I did not hover over it. I carefully went around the menu with the mouse afterward. Just in case, Here's a retry, the install first : GET [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 560ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 1461ms] Duplicate resource declaration for 'specialpowers' ignored. chrome.manifest:32 Duplicate resource declaration for 'gre-resources' ignored. chrome.manifest:33 Duplicate resource declaration for 'services-sync' ignored. components.manifest:162 Duplicate resource declaration for 'services-common' ignored. components.manifest:164 Duplicate resource declaration for 'services-crypto' ignored. components.manifest:165 Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/chrome.manifest'. Duplicate resource declaration for 'pdf.js' ignored. pdfjs.manifest:1 Duplicate resource declaration for 'pdf.js.components' ignored. pdfjs.manifest:2 Duplicate resource declaration for 'xnotifier' ignored. chrome.manifest:105 Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/browser/extensions/%7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D/chrome.manifest'. "in startup" bootstrap.js:1631 "aData" {id: "Profilist@jetpack", version: "1.0", installPath: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper, resourceURI: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper, oldVersion: "1.0"} bootstrap.js:1633 "aDOMWindow.gNavToolbox" XULElement {toolbarset: XULElement, palette: XULElement, customToolbarCount: 0, externalToolbars: Array[0], className: "", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: ""} bootstrap.js:1524 1399021856987 WARN Add-on type without field: dictionary

Sélecteur attendu. Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. main.css:90

Then after clicking and without hovering : "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "10", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 1 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "11", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 2 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "12", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 3 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/tdboeavo.Test" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/tdboeavo.Test" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "13", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 4 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "stackDOMJson before checking if stackUpdated==true" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 5 de plus…] bootstrap.js:849 "will now run updateMenuDOM on all windows" bootstrap.js:854 "updatngMenuDOM on this window == " "aDOMWindow = " ChromeWindow {0: ChromeWindow, 1: Window → about:blank, 2: ChromeWindow, 3: Window → about:blank, 4: Window → about:blank, 5: Window → about:blank, 6: Window → web, 7: Window → structured-data, 8: Window → synthese, 9: Window → mysites, 1138 de plus…} bootstrap.js:859 "jsonStack was just changed so have to do full dom update" bootstrap.js:987 "in json arr = " 0 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/tdboeavo.Test"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Test" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 1 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Agenda" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 2 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Uptivize" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 3 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Divers" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 4 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/ygqij0ck.ProduitsNaturels"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "ProduitsNaturels" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 5 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/cqjl2k9m.Adwords MCC"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adwords MCC" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 6 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/x3v7kqbg.Adw GED"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw GED" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 7 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/v01jtsam.onglets"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "onglets" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 8 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/8bpiuy4q.Adw LNA"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw LNA" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 9 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/u8h5771f.Adw @"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw @" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 10 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/68bvqoft.Rapide"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Rapide" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 11 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/a8bmd232.Oliv GG"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Oliv GG" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 12 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/0qb99cqw.GoogleBot"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "GoogleBot" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 13 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[label="Create New Profile"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Create New Profile" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist create", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 14 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/9h63g3dg.default"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "default" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to 0" bootstrap.js:1075 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "collapsedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1109 "expandedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1110 "checking if label of Create New Profile is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of GoogleBot is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Oliv GG is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Rapide is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw @ is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw LNA is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of onglets is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw GED is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adwords MCC is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of ProduitsNaturels is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Divers is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Uptivize is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Agenda is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Test is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Loading Profiles... is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "this profile is not in ini so remove it" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1116 "checking if label of default is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "json=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 5 de plus…] bootstrap.js:1130

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ahhh I know the problem. The messages are getting cut off. Can you give me 5 min ill update DevPrefs addon so it helps us with this.

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ok man, can you please install DevPrefs from my GitHub repo here:

It will increase the amount of messages allowed into the browser console before cutoff. To reset it to normal just disable that addon or uninstall it and it will set everything back to normal.

After you do that, can you please uninstall Profilist. Then go to my Profilist GitHub repo. Then open browser console, then clear browser console, then back in profilist github please install. Please then open menu and then copy paste.

Thanks so much for your persistence and patience man. Forgive me for having you do so much.

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

No pb man, I like helping out in any way I can and I got time to do it ^^

Do I install the same commit ?

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Yes please sir :)

edit: actually its the latest commit anyways so just go to profilist repo please so:

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

GET [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 517ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 774ms] 1399023163894 WARN Add-on type without field: dictionary

Sélecteur attendu. Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. main.css:90 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "10", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 1 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "11", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 2 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "12", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 3 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "looking for position in stack of profpath " "profpath = " "Profiles/tdboeavo.Test" bootstrap.js:797 "index of ini[p].props.Path in stack object is" "Profiles/tdboeavo.Test" -1 bootstrap.js:811 "splicing p = " {num: "13", props: Object} "stackDOMjson=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 4 de plus…] bootstrap.js:830 "stackDOMJson before checking if stackUpdated==true" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 5 de plus…] bootstrap.js:849 "will now run updateMenuDOM on all windows" bootstrap.js:854 "updatngMenuDOM on this window == " "aDOMWindow = " ChromeWindow {0: ChromeWindow, 1: Window → about:blank, 2: ChromeWindow, 3: Window → about:blank, 4: Window → about:blank, 5: Window → about:blank, 6: Window → web, 7: Window → structured-data, 8: Window → synthese, 9: Window → mysites, 1155 de plus…} bootstrap.js:859 "jsonStack was just changed so have to do full dom update" bootstrap.js:987 "in json arr = " 0 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/tdboeavo.Test"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Test" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 1 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/gljxpjfv.Agenda"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Agenda" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 2 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/btj9do1d.Uptivize"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Uptivize" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 3 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/pxxudyt4.Divers"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Divers" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 4 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/ygqij0ck.ProduitsNaturels"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "ProduitsNaturels" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 5 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/cqjl2k9m.Adwords MCC"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adwords MCC" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 6 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/x3v7kqbg.Adw GED"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw GED" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 7 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/v01jtsam.onglets"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "onglets" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 8 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/8bpiuy4q.Adw LNA"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw LNA" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 9 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/u8h5771f.Adw @"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Adw @" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 10 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/68bvqoft.Rapide"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Rapide" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 11 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/a8bmd232.Oliv GG"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Oliv GG" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 12 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/0qb99cqw.GoogleBot"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "GoogleBot" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 13 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[label="Create New Profile"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "Create New Profile" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to " 0 bootstrap.js:1072 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist create", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "in json arr = " 14 bootstrap.js:1000 "identifier string =" "[path="Profiles/9h63g3dg.default"]" bootstrap.js:1004 "post ident el = " undefined bootstrap.js:1006 "el created" bootstrap.js:1014 "elClosure label" "default" bootstrap.js:1028 "elHeight was 0 but just appendedChild so assuming cloned node height which is" 0 bootstrap.js:1059 "PUIsync_height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1065 "el.boxObject.height = " 0 bootstrap.js:1066 "cumHeight after adding = 0" bootstrap.js:1068 "set el top to 0" bootstrap.js:1075 "appended" XULElement {className: "PanelUI-profilist", align: "", dir: "", flex: "", flexGroup: "", ordinal: "", orient: "", pack: "", hidden: true, collapsed: false} bootstrap.js:1084 "collapsedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1109 "expandedheight" 0 bootstrap.js:1110 "checking if label of Create New Profile is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of GoogleBot is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Oliv GG is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Rapide is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw @ is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw LNA is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of onglets is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adw GED is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Adwords MCC is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of ProduitsNaturels is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Divers is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Uptivize is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Agenda is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Test is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "checking if label of Loading Profiles... is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "this profile is not in ini so remove it" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1116 "checking if label of default is in ini" "ini=" {General: Object, default: Object, GoogleBot: Object, Oliv GG: Object, Rapide: Object, Adw @: Object, Adw LNA: Object, onglets: Object, Adw GED: Object, Adwords MCC: Object, 5 de plus…} bootstrap.js:1114 "json=" [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 5 de plus…] bootstrap.js:1130

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ah this is mind boggling. This is a very weird request I know and I totally understand if it's not possible: Would it be possible for me to share desktop with you somehow? Like over skype?

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

If it doesn't take too long that would be ok. How can we echange skype names privately ? Also, I never use skype so I have no mic it would be via chat if it's ok

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Ahhh thank you soooo much.

My skype name is noit.idart can you please add me. I don't have mic either haha its ok

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Issue found: There is no "Sync" toolbaritem and Profilist is trying to clone it, so it makes the Profilist menu have 0 height.

Much much thanks man for letting me connect and figure this out. I'll have a solution within 24 hours please. :)

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

This one is a tricky fix, because I based this on cloning the sync toolbarbutton. I wanted to release v1.1 with all the fixes so far tonight but this one is taking too long. So I think for this one I'll put in a warning message when it finds the sync button is missing. This is a temporary fix until I fix this so I'll leave it open. This alert will just let people know why it doesnt work.

Btw did you find out what made your sync button disappear?

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Hey @JohannCR can you please try to install the latest Profilist from its repository. I think your sync button was just hidden, in that case it will still work. If the sync button was removed from the DOM then it will notify you that profilist won't work properly.

Please let me know how it works out.

I plan for a more permanent fix in the future. This just a half fix, so people aren't left clueless as to what's going on.

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

This version works on my personal pc where firefox is in sync with the main. I'll try on my work computer tomorrow and will let you know, but it looks good ! Thanks a lot !

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Thanks man! :)

yajd commented 10 years ago

Hey @JohannCR please help with two tests.

Please install profilist from my noit repo then test:

Then please install from my yajd repo then test :

I have a feeling the one from my Noit repo may throw an alert box saying Profile menu creation failed. The yajd repo one should work regardless if sync button is there, or not there, or it is there and hidden. Please test both and let me know. Thanks so much man!

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

From the Noit repo, the creation of a profile opens a new window and then reinstalls the plugin. No error message, no profile created.

The second one (profilist initial) doesn't show in the menu. I got a "loading profiles" indefinitely so I can't test profile creation.

Also, from the main repo, it shows "loading profiles" indefinitely, but there's the profiles on top anyway. For the creation of profile it's the same as the first one.

yajd commented 10 years ago

Thanks man the new window is the new profile :P A new item called "Unnamed Profile 1" should be in your menu now. Also after intalling profilist to that new window, if you open the panelin that windown you will see name of active profile should be "Unnamed Prifile 1". Can you plz confirm.

Ohhh shoot I gave you wrong limk to yajd repo. Please install patch-3 from yajd:

Please open panel and see if profilist menu is there in the profile where your sync button is missing.

JohannCR commented 10 years ago

Oh yeah you're right, sorry. So it works in that case. I confirm that the active profile is "unnammed profile 1" on the new window.

Patch 3 works well also.

FYI it's only on my main profile that the sync button has disappeared (and I coundn't find why sorry), every other profile has the sync button.

Thanks again for your work, I can finally enjoy profilist !

Noitidart commented 10 years ago

Noo problem, thanks very much man for the test. It's great that this sync button was missing because it made me get something done that needed to be done. It wasn't right to clone another button exactly for this reason.

Cool man I'll commit this to Noit repo and close thanks man!