Nold360 / docker-borgserver

Dockerimage that runs a Borg backup server, accessible by ssh using publickey authentication
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[bug] container not following SIGTERM signals to close down (inc possible fixes) #21

Closed andrewcrook closed 2 days ago

andrewcrook commented 1 year ago


I keep getting the following error Docker container borg-server stopped unexpectedly around the time watchtower is scheduled. I have looked into and the only thing I think that has happened is that the container isnt responding to SIGTERM signals causing watchtower, after sometime, to force it via SIGKILL.

I read that this can be caused if the processes of the container are called under bash -c because the SIGTERM signals are not passed on to processes.

Apparently ENTRYPOINT / wraps/ in bash -c


ENTRYPOINT [“/”] doesn’t as officially explained

You can also propagate SIGTERM signals to bash child processes using bash’s trap and wait

Lastly, not all docker containers or applications use SIGTERM here you can use dockerfile's STOPSIGNAL to change the signal type

I think its probably the first two issues.