Noltari / AEMET-OpenData

Python client for AEMET OpenData Rest API
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Initialize to `None` optional attributes #7

Closed afharo closed 7 months ago

afharo commented 7 months ago highlighted this issue: some stations don't provide some attributes. Since they are not initialized to None, they'll throw an error when attempting to access them.

ivorsmorenburg commented 7 months ago

Please approve :)

diamant-x commented 7 months ago

Please approve. Este PR soluciona un error grave que impide su uso en HA de la integración.

michaelkun commented 7 months ago

Por favor aprobar el fix soluciona un error critico de la integración

dedalodaelus commented 7 months ago

@Noltari Can you check this PR? , it could fix the issue with HA. Thanks

Noltari commented 7 months ago

Let me be crystal clear about this: stop pinging me for approving this PR. I already know there's a bug so there's no need to keep pinging me and commanding me to approve this PR. I was on vacation with my family and no access to a computer and you guys wouldn't stop pinging me to approve this. What exactly gives you the right to do that? Did you pay for my support or something? Let me answer that: NO, because I do this on MY FREE TIME. That means that I decide to sacrifice my own personal time to do open source stuff like this. So no, you have no right at all to keep commanding me to approve it. In order to approve it I first need to review it, and in order to review it I need to test it, and all that means time. So please, stop this behaviour. I will let a couple of days pass and if you people start behaving and understanding that open source is created altruistically by people like you that have their own lives with their own circumstances, then I might decide to invest my time on this.

michaelkun commented 7 months ago

@Noltari te comprendo perfectamente, lo primero no debería afectarte que te hagan mil PR es tu código y actualizaras cuando quieras / puedas, piensa que debes sentirte orgulloso de tener un repo activo que requiere de tu intervención y no tomarlo como una molestia, a la final es tu perfil y estatus el que se ve mejorado o afectado por tus contribuciones, te pediría que no hicieras pagar a justos por pecadores y "dejar pasar unos días" a propósito, a la final la gente dejara de usar tu solución y buscara una alternativa y eso no te beneficia, un abrazo eres un crack.

dedalodaelus commented 7 months ago

@Noltari I apologize for my behavior. This won't happen again. Thanks for your contribution.

afharo commented 7 months ago

@Noltari, I completely feel and share your frustration. As a father of two and owner/maintainer of another open-sourced package, I totally share the sentiment that these "hobby" projects can only get our attention during our ever shrinking spare time.

Apologies if I put too much pressure on your end. TBH, my intention with this PR was quite the opposite: trying to help and relieve you from that. I was also aware of the bank holiday we just had in Spain, and assumed you were enjoying your vacations. I sincerely hope my PR and DM to bring it to your attention didn't cause too much stress. That was never my intention. If so, sorry for that.

I would love for you to reconsider your decision of waiting a few days. It'd be great if it could make it to the next weekly release of HASS 😇

Noltari commented 7 months ago

Merged, thanks @afharo