Nomi-CEu / Nomi-CEu

Fork of Nomifactory, using Gregtech CEu and its related mods.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
184 stars 98 forks source link

Processing line mentions quartz sand can be electrolyzed, but it cannot #724

Closed matcool closed 1 month ago

matcool commented 2 months ago

Nomi CEu Version



Prism Launcher

Configurations or Mods Changed

No response


Mohist Server, doesn't matter


Normal Mode

What Happened

The quest book mentions "Crush your Sand into Quartz Sand. Can be electrolysed into useful resources", but there's no such recipe. I assume this was replaced by the centrifuge recipe at some point, so the quest description needs to be updated

Expected Behavior

Quest should probably say centrifuge instead

Reproduction Steps

No response


No response

Additional Information

Silly quest description mistake