Nomi-CEu / Nomi-CEu

Fork of Nomifactory, using Gregtech CEu and its related mods.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
184 stars 98 forks source link

Cannot Craft Carbon Plated Leggings #736

Closed SparkedTheorem closed 1 month ago

SparkedTheorem commented 1 month ago

Nomi CEu Version



Prism Launcher

Configurations or Mods Changed

Added Flux Networks, Lazy AE2 and AE2 Fluid Crafting Reborn Modified EnderIO to make Telepad and Rod of Return to not use fluids, made Rod of Return cheaper to use energy wise and made it faster.


Singleplayer with LAN on


Normal Mode

What Happened

Attempting to craft Carbon Plated Leggings using the recipe displayed in JEI does not work image image

Attempting to put Carbon Plated Leggings Recipe into a crafting pattern will crash the game if you drag the Carbon Plated Leggings into the output slot.

Expected Behavior

I should be able to craft Carbon Plated Leggings using a crafting table. image

Reproduction Steps

  1. Put Carbon Plate Leggings into legging pattern
  2. see no output
  3. attempt to put Carbon Plate Leggings as output of its crafting recipe in a crafting pattern
  4. crash



Additional Information

No response

IntegerLimit commented 1 month ago

Does this behaviour still exist on a new world, with LAN turned off?

SparkedTheorem commented 1 month ago

Does this behaviour still exist on a new world, with LAN turned off?

At a later date when I started playing without LAN turned on the recipe worked again, forgot to report whoops.