Nomi-CEu / Nomi-CEu

Fork of Nomifactory, using Gregtech CEu and its related mods.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
184 stars 98 forks source link

Central Monitor wireless does not work across dimensions #753

Closed NoHaxJustPi closed 3 weeks ago

NoHaxJustPi commented 3 weeks ago

Nomi CEu Version



Prism Launcher

Configurations or Mods Changed

No response


Discovered in Multiplayer, but replicated in Singleplayer


Normal Mode

What Happened

Attempted to connect a Fusion Reactor Mk.1 and a Super Tank in the void world via wireless digital interface cover to a central monitor in space, but neither showed up on the list.

Expected Behavior

Expected them to connect to the Monitor as standard

Reproduction Steps

  1. Set up a Central Monitor
  2. Place something down which can have covers on it (machine, crate, etc.) in a different dimension
  3. Put a Wireless Digital Interface bound to the Monitor on it
  4. Return to the Monitor, observe that it is not listed


No response

Additional Information

Removing the covers off of the machines showed that their NBT did not include a dimension tag, even though they had it in NBT before placement.

Folanlron commented 3 weeks ago

Please report to CEu team, as even in CE(which the central monitor comes from), it never did.

NH uses the Nuclear Info Mod for it's Info Panels(so it works much differently)