Nomi-CEu / Nomi-CEu

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Add Short Tooltip Description for Some AE2 Items #761

Closed v3ect0rgames closed 1 week ago

v3ect0rgames commented 1 week ago

@IntegerLimit Once this is merged it should complete an item on the 1.7 todo

IntegerLimit commented 1 week ago

I'm very hesitant on adding further tooltips to the current CT scripts right now. This is because we need to migrate all tooltips to groovy, as well as allow localisation of current tooltips.

Furthermore, for some of these tooltips, such as the sticky card, a simple tooltip seems not enough, and a JEI description page may fit better. There also may need to be some quest information on some of these cards (such as for examples), although I feel JEI description pages may work better for simple cards and examples.

However, the tooltips on this PR do seem like a good starting point. For that reason, I will merge this PR, but the proper tooltip porting will have to be done later. (I will do it in my upcoming Labs Update + GTCEu Update PR)

Thank you for this PR!