NoniDOTio / SMPtweaks

Add several improvements to survival minecraft in order to enhance multiplayer experience
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[Suggestion] The ability to allow PvP or PvE selectively drop all items, even if keepInventory is enabled #5

Open Miuzorosaurus opened 2 years ago

Miuzorosaurus commented 2 years ago

The death mechanics are a great idea since it prevents players from ragequitting just because they fell into lava in their first 2 hours of gameplay. However, if you want this to apply only to PvE deaths and keep PvP deaths vanilla, with all items being dropped, it just isn't possible since the custom death mechanics require gamerule keepInventory to be true, so its either make it act like a PvE death or have players keep all their items.

I propose to maybe add two different config options: pve-death-ignores-keepinventory and pvp-death-ignores-keepinventory, that when set to false, would keep the players inventory or do custom death mechanics like they do already but if set to true, then they'd just drop all of their items.

NoniDOTio commented 2 years ago

Good suggestion, I see how that's something I had not considered. I also received suggestions regarding filter-lists by world, death cause and worldguard region, but I really need to think about how to properly implement this. The config file already is pretty complex and I fear I will go beyond reasonable complexity when I add all this stuff.

I promise I will implement this one day, but I cannot give you an ETA for it quite yet. Thank you! 🙂