NonlinearFruit / Creeds.json

Structured copies of Reformed creeds, confessions and catechisms. Readily useful for software applications.
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Process this todo list I've been storing #22

Open NonlinearFruit opened 3 years ago

NonlinearFruit commented 3 years ago
- [+] first genevan confession (1536)
- [+] irish articles (1615)
- [+] lambeth articles (1595)
- [+] second bohemian confession (1575)
- [+] second scotch confession (1580)
- [?] 42 english articles (1553)
- [?] calvin's articles on predestination
- [?] confession for church at paris (1557)
- [?] confession for french churches, to be presented to emperor (1562)
- [?] confession of sigismund (1614)
- [?] consensus of geneva (1552)
- [?] declaration of thorn (1645)
- [?] evangelical counsel of ansbach (1524)
- [?] genevan confession (1537)
- [?] genevan students' confession (1559)
- [?] hungarian confession (1570)
- [?] leipzig colloquy (1631)
- [?] walcheren articles (1693)
- [?] zwingli's expositio chr. fidei (1531)
- [D] a plain catechism for children
- [D] confession of english congregation at geneva (1558)
- [D] craig's catechism (1581)
- [D] genevan catechism (1545)
- [©] first bohemian confession (1535)
- [©] cambridge declaration (1996)
- [©] statement on social justice & the gospel (2018)

? - Can't find
~ - Mehh, maybe?
© - Copyright request
D - Difficult (format not supported yet)
+ - Have url in README