NonlinearFruit / Retrospector

Review and rate your favorite media in an easy-to-use way that allows for statistics and chronological change in preference.
The Unlicense
12 stars 1 forks source link

Predictive AI #98

Open NonlinearFruit opened 5 years ago

NonlinearFruit commented 5 years ago

It would be pretty neat-o if Retrospector could 'predict' a rating. For instance, if I give it a book that I am interesting in with its title, author, genre and year. Retrospector could spit out the rating it think I would give the book.

On an existing media, it would be cool if I could enter a user name and the Retrospector would make a prediction of what that user would give the book. If I just finished a book and entered a rating and various factoids, I could ask 'what would so-n-so rate this?' and Retrospector would look at that user's history and how their ratings compare to my ratings on similar books etc. Then spit out a number 'So-n-so would rate it a 7.34'