Noovolari / leapp

Leapp is the DevTool to access your cloud
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Support to Google Cloud Platform #130

Open pethron opened 3 years ago

pethron commented 3 years ago

Update 29/05/23

This feature has been delayed for quite some time. Right now we can't work on this because we are focusing on bootstrapping (we need to make the project sustainable for everyone). We would love to see people using GCP to start using Leapp.

We had already implemented this feature in the previous Golang project, but we don't have time to port it. If anyone is willingly to work on this, we can open the previous repository and let you work with support from us.

We would greatly appreciate community support on this, so if anyone is interested, please reach out on our Slack channel or comment on this issue.

Sytten commented 2 years ago

Any progress?

pethron commented 2 years ago

A quick update on this. This was already implemented in the migration to the daemon-service. Since we've decided to drop this migration we need to be port all the logic in this project. Our goal is to support GCP by the end of the first quarter of 2022.

Sytten commented 2 years ago

Just checking in since we are almost there :P

pethron commented 2 years ago

Running late on this @Sytten, but we're getting there! I think we will probably manage by the first half of Q2

varunrayen commented 1 year ago

Any updates?

tonidy commented 1 year ago

@pethron any update on this? I want to use GCP 😄

pethron commented 1 year ago

And we very much would like to let you @tonidy ! Our goal is to provide essential support before the end of this year, but we can't commit to a date. We're in the middle of bootstrapping, and our top priority is ensuring the project's continuity (also to support GCP properly). We have a repo and project in Golang that is implemented, but we need to port it to this one.

I'll flag this issue as "help wanted"; if anyone is willing, we can open the repo and let you work on it. We would greatly appreciate community support on this, so if anyone is interested, please reach out on our Slack channel.

tonidy commented 1 year ago

@pethron so, you actually have GCP implementation but in golang and you needs to port it to Leapp? I'm interesting to port it. Would be great if you can open the repo

FYI, I've joined to the slack channel

ericvilla commented 1 year ago

Hi @tonidy @pethron!

Since the last GCP implementation in Go, the usage flow has changed. We have reviewed the Go implementation internally and, as a result, porting from a Go version to a Typescript one will be a waste of effort, because a lot of things have changed in the meantime. Instead, we can support you in developing a new solution to support GCP.

We've studied the GCP usage flow from a gcloud CLI point of view. Let us provide you with some insights that could be useful for integrating it into Leapp.

We firstly studied the gcloud main usage patterns (if you know other critical patterns, please add them to the list).

gcloud config configurations list
    default  True

gcloud auth login
    updates the access_tokens.db (access token and id token) and credentials.db (refresh token, client id, and client secret)

gcloud config configurations list
    default   True             john.doe@acme.corp

gcloud projects list
    PROJECT_ID                NAME             PROJECT_NUMBER
    project-1-id                 project-1        012345678910
    project-2-id                 project-2       012345678910
    project-3-id                 project-3       012345678910

gcloud config set project project-1-id

gcloud config configurations list
    default    True             john.doe@acme.corp        project-1

In this example, we used the default named configuration but we already thought about supporting multiple gcloud named configurations.

We found a correlation between the gcloud usage patterns and a Leapp Integration. In particular, there are three main phases:


Firstly, we have to create a GCP integration inside Leapp, so that we can log into it. The only information we have to provide is a name.

Log in

Once we've created the integration, we can log into it. In this case, we'll use the same Oauth 2.0 login flow as the gcloud CLI. During the login, you have to provide the credentials associated with the Account used to log into the integration. The output of this operation is a payload containing all the tokens needed in the next steps: client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, access_token, and id_token. The idea is to persist this sensitive information inside the system keychain (NOT in the gcloud default configuration files). REMEMBER that the tokens are associated with the Account used to log into the integration.


Using the tokens saved in the system keychain, we can get the list of projects that are accessible by the Account used to log into the integration. This projects list will be persisted in Leapp's workspace file (the one that contains all Leapp configurations).


When it comes to start a Leapp GCP session, we have to use the refresh_token (saved in the keychain) to generate a new access token; the access token (together with the id token) will be saved in the access_tokens.db file (sqlite db), while the other tokens will be saved in the credentials.db file. In addition, it is necessary to overwrite (if present) the ~/.config/gcloud/config_default named configuration file with the account and project fields.

To stop the Leapp GCP session, we could simply remove the tokens from the gcloud configuration files.

To rotate the credentials associated with the session, we have to generate a new access token via the refresh token.


Stop all the GCP sessions associated with the GCP integration. We still have to understand how to revoke the previously generated tokens (including the refresh_token).

Let us share with you the first two activities proposal. This proposal is the result of an R&D activity; please, share with us your thoughts and let us know if there is something that is not clear to you or if you want to provide some additions!


LEAP: create GCP integration


As a Leapp User, I want to create a GCP integration from the sidebar, as for AWS SSO and Azure integrations.


LEAP: GCP integration login


As a Leapp User, I want to log into a GCP integration.


tonidy commented 1 year ago

@ericvilla thanks for your explanation. Let me learn it first.

Regarding this,

In particular, there are three main phases:

create log in sync start/stop/rotate an integration specific session logout

Should be 5 phases instead 3? Or I missed something?

tonidy commented 12 months ago

@ericvilla any update on this? I haven't touched it yet. But I want to do some PoC first before implement the feature.