NopeCHALLC / nopecha-extension

Automated CAPTCHA solver for your browser. Works with Selenium, Puppeteer, Playwright, and more.
MIT License
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does Nopecha support Yandex smart captcha? #28

Open famicom9x opened 8 months ago

famicom9x commented 8 months ago does nopecha support solving those captcha? thanks in advance

Le0Developer commented 6 months ago

We currently do not support Yandex Smart CAPTCHA. I've added it to our backlog.

terion-name commented 1 month ago

@Le0Developer any progress on this?

NopeCHALLC commented 1 month ago

@Le0Developer any progress on this?

Can you provide the URLs where they can be found? You can message us on Discord through tickets if you do not want to share them publicly.

terion-name commented 1 month ago

@Le0Developer any progress on this?

Can you provide the URLs where they can be found? You can message us on Discord through tickets if you do not want to share them publicly.