NopeCHALLC / nopecha-extension

Automated CAPTCHA solver for your browser. Works with Selenium, Puppeteer, Playwright, and more.
MIT License
6.55k stars 94 forks source link

HTTP 409 (Conflict) hcaptcha error. #39

Closed oyunvfg closed 5 months ago

oyunvfg commented 7 months ago
    private async void nopecatpchatken_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string apiKey = "I'm Api Key"; // API anahtarınızı buraya ekleyin
        string siteKey = "ab803303-ac41-41aa-9be1-7b4e01b91e2c";
        string apiUrl = "";

        // hCaptcha request
        using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
            var requestContent = new
                type = "hcaptcha",
                sitekey = siteKey,
                url = "",
                key = apiKey

            var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(apiUrl, requestContent);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var responseData = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<dynamic>();
                string job_id =;

                // hCaptcha HTTP 409 ERROR
                var tokenResponse = await client.GetStringAsync($"{apiUrl}?key={apiKey}&id={job_id}");
                var hCaptchaToken = tokenResponse.Trim();

               nopecaptchatext.Text = $"hCaptcha Token: {hCaptchaToken}";
                nopecaptchatext.Text =  $"Error: {response.StatusCode} - {response.ReasonPhrase}";
oyunvfg commented 7 months ago

c# windows forms

NopeCHALLC commented 5 months ago

You are sending a POST request to upload the hCaptcha job, which returns the ID of this job.

The solution for this job is retrieved with a GET request with the ID from the POST request.

Please refer to the API documentation for more information.