NorESMhub / BLOM

Bergen Layered Ocean Model
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New and updated topographic beta files. #335

Closed matsbn closed 2 months ago

matsbn commented 2 months ago

New and updated topographic beta files, prepared by Aleksi Nummelin, are specified for grids tnx2v1, tnx1v4, tnx0.25v4 and tnx0.125v4. The updated topographic beta file for grid tnx1v4 has been tested for one cycle of the OMIP2 protocol. Diagnostics with the previous topographic beta file can be found here:

while diagnostics with the updated topographic beta file can be found here:

TomasTorsvik commented 2 months ago

I see there are some changes in transports (e.g. Drake Passage)

I don't have any objections to these new files, but it would be useful to provide some more background info about this change, perhaps in the documentation pages?

jmaerz commented 2 months ago

Dear @AleksiNummelin , many thanks for the detailed description and documentation of those files!

TomasTorsvik commented 2 months ago

Thanks @AleksiNummelin for the detailed description. I suppose the topography aware eddy parameterization will be the default for NorESM2.3, so we should make sure this is mentioned in the NorESM2.3 documentation. We haven't started on a NorESM2.3 documentation yet, but it's probably time to do so.