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ModIvsModII diagnostic tool script doesn't work when startyear>1000 #115

Open ingvisau opened 7 months ago

ingvisau commented 7 months ago

Issue Type

Other (please describe below)

Issue Description

I tried to run ModivsModII on runs with startyear= 1985, and noticed that the filelist created by only contained files with 1985. The script rewrites and updates the year-variable that goes into the creation of filelist entries (variable: aaYear) only if "FIRSTYEAR" is lower than 1000. For "FIRSTYEAR" > 1000, the variable 'aaYear', which is initially set to "FIRSTYEAR", stays unchanged. This can be easily fixed by updating the variable 'aaYear' with the while-loop counter-variable 'aYear' at the beginning of the loop.

Will this change answers?


Will you be implementing this yourself?


gold2718 commented 7 months ago

Do you have a case I can investigate?

gold2718 commented 7 months ago

Also, please point me to the version of the script you used. It looks like you have to edit the script to be able to use it. Is this true? If so, is it okay if I modernize it a bit?

ingvisau commented 7 months ago

I ran it with my two activation cases, stored on NIRD under /projects/NS9560K/users/ingvisau/: NFHISTnorpddmsbc_f19_f19_mg17_20231106140956 and NFHISTnorpddmsbc_f19_f19_mg17_20231106142112. I copied the scripts from one of my NorESM clones on Betzy, not 100% sure which version it was, but I can find out. The script only works if your startyear is less than zero, so I think it should be edited so it works for everyone. I don't own the script though, so I don't know if I can make any decisions.

ingvisau commented 7 months ago

It is this file: tools/diagnostics/ncl/ModIvsModII/, I used branch: cam-Nor-dev