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Community Atmosphere Model including CAM6-Nor branches
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noresm2_3_develop : Introduction of possibility to run with full atmospheric chemistry #149

Open DirkOlivie opened 1 month ago

DirkOlivie commented 1 month ago

Summary: Introduction of the ability to run with more complex atmospheric gas-phase chemistry.

Contributors: Dirk Olivié

Reviewers: Steve Goldhaber

Purpose of changes: #100 Add trop+strat chemistry scheme. The new scheme is a combination of the aerosols from OSLO_AERO and the gas-phase species from the TS1 chemistry (pp_trop_strat_mam4_vbs).

Github PR URL:

Changes made to build system: None

Changes made to the namelist:

  1. the namelist used by the new compsets contains elements from the standard aerosol-only NorESM namelist, but some external forcings have been removed as not used anymore (ozone climatology, ozone climatology, volcanic stratospheric AOD).
  2. New things are : more emissions files are used, more GHGs/ODSs are prescribed, and the lightning NOx scaling factor is now used.
  3. Concerning MEGAN fluxes from the land-model : more species are mapped into monoterpene (to make it more in line with CESM).
  4. 3D-chemical species are taken into account in the radiation

Changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets:

  1. there are additional emission files
  2. some climatologies are not used anymore (ozone, oxidants)

Substantial timing or memory changes: an N1850_f19_tn14 simulation on 1024 CPUs is much slower. The throughput is 8.67 simulated years/day (compared to 19.84 simulated years/day in aerosol-only version)

Detailed description of changes : General files : bld/build-namelist bld/config_files/definition.xml [new chemical package "tropstrat_mam_oslo] bld/configure bld/namelist_files/use_cases/1850_cam6_noresm_tropstratchem.xml [4 new use cases] bld/namelist_files/use_cases/hist_cam6_noresm_tropstratchem.xml bld/namelist_files/use_cases/ssp370_cam6_noresm_tropstratchem.xml bld/namelist_files/use_cases/ssp585_cam6_noresm_tropstratchem.xml cime_config/config_component.xml cime_config/config_compsets.xml cime_config/testdefs/testlist_cam.xml

Files in specific chemistry directory pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo (generated by chemical preprocessor): src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/chem_mech.doc src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/ src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/chem_mods.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/m_rxt_id.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/m_spc_id.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_adjrxt.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_exp_sol.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_imp_sol.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_indprd.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_lin_matrix.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_lu_factor.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_lu_solve.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_nln_matrix.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_phtadj.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_prod_loss.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_rxt_rates_conv.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_setrxt.F90 src/chemistry/pp_tropstrat_mam_oslo/mo_sim_dat.F90

Test run:

Issues addressed by this PR: Resolves #100