NorESMhub / CAM

Community Atmosphere Model including CAM6-Nor branches
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noresm_v7_cam6_3_123: Add oslo-aero as an new aerosol scheme #98

Closed mvertens closed 8 months ago

mvertens commented 9 months ago

Addition of oslo-aero as new aerosol scheme

Summary: Addition of oslo-aero as a new aerosol scheme via primarily the addition of new cpp-ifdefs.

Contributors: @mvertens @ingvisau @gold2718

Reviewers: @gold2718

Purpose of changes: #97: Add oslo-aero as new aerosol scheme

Github PR URL:

Changes made to build system: Changes for turning on oslo-aero

Changes made to the namelist: new oslo-aero namelists

Changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: oslo-aero boundary datasets

Substantial timing or memory changes: to be determined

The main aim of this PR is to being carrying out simulations with oslo-aero as the aerosol scheme used in CAM. New OSLO_AERO CPP-ifdefs have been introduced that enable oslo-aero to be activated. This will be the first step for future object-oriented refactorization that is planned.

Testing: NOTE: Regression testing of aux_cam_noresm completed.

AEROCOM is not enabled in this PR

closes #89 closes #97