NorESMhub / CTSM

Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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Short-circuit logic NOT avoiding FPE (Floating Point Exception) #11

Closed j34ni closed 3 years ago

j34ni commented 3 years ago

@ctsm-core @MichaelSchulzMETNO

I found another bug in release-clm5.0.14-Nor_v1.0.1, but the option to raise an issue has not been activated for the repository

This is one of those bugs which make NorESM crash randomly, and it is not result changing otherwise

Notice that it has been recently fixed in ESCOMP/CTSM (before release-cesm2.2)

Can someone indicate me the "official" procedure to make this correction for NorESM?

MichaelSchulzMETNO commented 3 years ago

To my understanding Issue tracking is enabled for NorESMhub/CTSM.

MichaelSchulzMETNO commented 3 years ago

@huitang-earth @DirkOlivie This bug needs to be fixed in branch release-clm5.0.14-Nor. It is not answer changing. @j34ni Jean can you please point to the code which needs to be changed.

j34ni commented 3 years ago

I suggest that in components/clm/src/biogeochem/ch4Mod.F90 this test:

3605                   else if (.not. lake .and. sat == 1 .and. frac_h2osfc(c) > 0._r8 .and. &
3606                        h2osfc(c)/frac_h2osfc(c) > capthick) then ! Assuming short-circuit logic will avoid FPE here.
3607                      ! assume surface ice is impermeable
3608                      pondres = 1/smallnumber
3609                   end if

is written as:

                  else if (.not. lake .and. sat == 1 .and. frac_h2osfc(c) > 0._r8) then 
                          if (h2osfc(c)/frac_h2osfc(c) > capthick) then ! Since short-circuit logic will NOT avoid FPE here.
                             ! assume surface ice is impermeable
                             pondres = 1/smallnumber
                          end if
                  end if

to prevent random crashes when frac_h2osfc(c)=0

huitang-earth commented 3 years ago

@j34ni Could you make a pull request for these changes?