NorESMhub / CTSM

Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
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taken over some functionalities from NorESM2 (related to SSP scenarios) #2

Closed DirkOlivie closed 4 years ago

DirkOlivie commented 4 years ago

Description of changes

Imported changes from noresm-dev whch were not present yet :

Specific notes

Contributors other than yourself, if any:

CTSM Issues Fixed (include github issue #):

Are answers expected to change (and if so in what way)? No, other than SSP compsets should give unchanged answers.

Any User Interface Changes (namelist or namelist defaults changes)?

Testing performed, if any: (List what testing you did to show your changes worked as expected) (This can be manual testing or running of the different test suites) (Documentation on system testing is here: (aux_clm on cheyenne for intel/gnu and izumi for intel/gnu/nag/pgi is the standard for tags on master)

NOTE: Be sure to check your Coding style against the standard: